Can't login to facebook from iphone


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2005
Marston, NC
I've got a 3G iPhone and for a while I could login to facebook fine, but all of a sudden now when I try to login I am redirected to the login page again. Has anyone experienced this problem?

I get a message that says cookies required. It says I need to enable cookies from my browser. I went to settings and selected "always allow cookies" but I get the same message.
you have to use the FB app ( it's free ) on iPhone and Touch
I'm using safari, not the app. I bought this phone used, and when I go to the app store it asks me to create an account on iTunes before I can get the facebook app. When I select my country and click "next" I get a message that says my session has timed out and I need to start the process over. Can I get the app without going through iTunes?
No you need to create an iTunes account on your computer then just simply sign in on your phone and u should be good to go
Why would you use an iPhone without backing it up? That's inviting disaster. How will you load music onto it? You buy it as a "fell off the truck"?

I am pretty sure you can use the App Store app to load a new application onto the phone without docking it and using iTunes, though.