
professionally useless
Mar 16, 2005
Archer Lodge
Attention those who repeatedly post about Cape Fear 4x4,

While you may have a valid reason for posting and reposting, signing up a new screen name just to bash said shop affords you NO credebility !

If you have an ax to grind, find somewhere else, if there is a legitamate beef, hang around, let folks get to know you and maybe understand who you are, your gripes may carry more weight.

At this point, all Cape Fear threads will be removed if they are posted by someone who has just newly regestered.

I have no affiliation with, nor interest in Cape Fear 4x4.

but I do have an interest in keeping this forum legitemate and relevant.
good job mod
IP ban isn't real effective, and can also affect others not involved.

there have been some IP's banned, but there are ways around it.
awesome...why do ppl complain on the internet?? this place is for info, not a customer service hot line...just tell us what happen to make you say yay on ney...great job admin:beer:

are long arms supposed to attace to your roofrack? wouldnt that make real long arms. baecause any control arms i have seen come from this shop arnt that long.