Carolina Carports -- the good, the bad, and the ugly (long post)


Doing hard time
Jun 1, 2006
7, Pocket, NC
Long post, but good to know if you are thinking of a carport.... (if you don't like long posts, go here

For my birthday, I decided to get myself a carport, 14x26 to use as an outside extension of my shop space.

I ordered it on July 25th. Local dealer said installation in a couple of weeks, and could be up to 4 weeks. The next day, made arrangements for my concrete guy to do a slab. Carolina Carports (from here on, I will just call the company "CC") called within 2 weeks, said they'd be there in 2 days. Concrete pour was to be the day after they called, and I didn't want to drill and drive anchors into green concrete, so I told them 1 more week before I was ready.

The next week, i called and told them concrete was done, and was ready. CC said install in about 2 weeks, they would call a few days before. 3 weeks later, no word. I called...they said 2 more weeks. I got to where I called every Friday to get an update, talking to the same "North Carolina scheduler" almost every call. She could never give a date...just "it will be two more weeks before we schedule that area".

Anyway...right at the end of October, got the call, they'd be there on November 3rd. They showed up that day, alright...just before 6am. My alarm had just gone off -- I wasn't expecting them until maybe 7. It was still dark outside.

When they arrived, they had to turn into the cul-de-sac across my house to turn around. When I first went outside (after they parked in front of the house), I saw that my neighbor's mailbox had been run over. I asked the driver about it...he said he wasn't sure, he could have hit it in the dark, but really didn't think he did. I let it go...but did spend over a hundred bucks later that day fixing it for my neighbor. That evening, I talked with another neighbor that saw them hit it, driver got out, looked at it, tried to stand it up, and then continued to park at my house.

(The next day, I found out that they hit another mailbox on up the street, and the homeowner fixed it himself.)

Back to the carport. They got done in about 3 or so hours (14x26, 9' legs). However, they came to put up a carport with 9' legs, total ridge height about 12'....and all they had was 6' step ladders. They asked to borrow my 8' step ladder that was out by the shop.

All done, I looked it over, wrote a check, and they were gone. Then I noticed that they left off some of the angle braces. I went in and called the company. They said they'd come two weeks. I told the NC scheduler that I would like an exact date, what with all the repeated "two more weeks" I got before. That conversation ended with me telling her I was going to put a stop payment on the check, until the work was done. I called the bank, did the stop payment, and then called CC back to confirm that there was a stop payment on the check, and to call me as soon as they could schedule the work.

About 11/17 I get a call from CC's accounting department, wanting to know why I stopped payment on the check. Told him....he said there was nothing in the records about the incomplete work, etc. I called the NC scheduler back, she said...wait for a call in two weeks.

This past Monday, I called back. Told her (a new person this time, wonder why?) the problem....I wasn't even in the line for anything. Wasn't even in the computer under active jobs. They had no record of the job being incomplete. She promised to look into it, and called back the next morning, and scheduled for today, the 19th.

They did come, and got it fixed, and I gave them a new check. Just shy of five months for something that I expected would be in and done by the end of August.

And I was out a hunnert bucks extra and a couple of hours for the mailbox. That ain't over yet...working on a letter to them now. I didn't want to piss in the bed before everything was fixed right (I figured correctly that the same crew would be the same ones coming back for the repair).

Overall, the carport is great....and even with all the trouble, I'd consider ordering from Carolina Carports again. I figure all these carport companies probably provide about the same level of frustration, just in different ways.
When I got mine, I called an independent guy who does installs for CC and does other work on the side. It was the same struggle trying to get him scheduled, but not quite as bad as yours. He kept telling me he was having to wait for the specific color I wanted. He ended giving me a huge discount for allowing him to use a different color that just happened to be material he was stuck with from a cancelled job earlier. None of the other problems though, great guys, great work, paid in cash and we were all happy with the end product.
Two words Mexican Mafia! Everyone around here (I live 5 mins from their corporate office) knows they are mafia, everyone knows they supply the drugs. They have paid the sheriff off, he will do nothing to them. They built 2 mansions for their cocaine snorting daughters. Which one was arrested and then released and nothing more was said about it.
Two words Mexican Mafia! Everyone around here (I live 5 mins from their corporate office) knows they are mafia, everyone knows they supply the drugs. They have paid the sheriff off, he will do nothing to them. They built 2 mansions for their cocaine snorting daughters. Which one was arrested and then released and nothing more was said about it.

Well, if you go missing; we know why. As far fetched as that sounds, its pretty accurate.....
^these guys are correct on the drug part. You should see the mansions they built on drug money.

Plus my wife saw the daughter snorting coke in the high school bathroom. No lie bro.
All true, i live in mt.airy where their main hq is.
Of course its all true. You can't put anything on the interwebz that ain't true you know,
Drugs or no drugs, they did an awesome job on my 24x40 building. My mailbox was still standing and no coke deals went down on the property.
I used to do car audio installations for the daughters and their boyfriends. I don't know about the coke snorting. They seemed pretty legit to me. They def spend a lot of money. I'd guess the mansions to be in the 3.5 to 4 million dollar each price range. Seems like there is def another source of income.
LOL..... the mexican hate is strooooong in this one LOL. What you cant be from mehico and start up a successful business w/o some cartel help**.... Y'all just jelly... gonna have to send y'all to jelly school....

**- sarcasm is fully implied and no one needs to take me serious
LOL..... the mexican hate is strooooong in this one LOL. What you cant be from mehico and start up a successful business w/o some cartel help**.... Y'all just jelly... gonna have to send y'all to jelly school....

**- sarcasm is fully implied and no one needs to take me serious

The observant amongst us may have noticed that it's hard to make millions of dollars installing carports
Sorry I guess my matching sarcasm didn't come across

maybe we need a "sarcasm" smiley?
like this guy
The observant amongst us may have noticed that it's hard to make millions of dollars installing carports

You can when you have SO many to do that you have to keep telling people that their installation date is still two weeks out! There is a large demand for cocaine but the supply is such that it's available almost immediately. The demand for carports is such that you have to wait two weeks (repeatedly).

Take that, Economics 101.

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Not that I'm anti-cartel or anything but does anyone know if you can order the parts to make a carport? I'm basically looking for something similar to a half carport to attach to my 12x16 building to provide a covered area to park a trailer, etc. I'm thinking that may be cheaper & faster than stick building. Will be about 8 feet wide and run along the 16' side of the building.
And they have offices and warehouse in PA.......and maybe Miami......

Watch out for Horatio!!!
Not that I'm anti-cartel or anything but does anyone know if you can order the parts to make a carport? I'm basically looking for something similar to a half carport to attach to my 12x16 building to provide a covered area to park a trailer, etc. I'm thinking that may be cheaper & faster than stick building. Will be about 8 feet wide and run along the 16' side of the building.
That wouldn't cost much to stick build. I built a 12x24 lean to off my shop for a patio this summer. Lumber was about $400 and I had the metal roofing left over from job. But even if you had to buy shingles to do it that's only 2 squares of roofing so $200 bucks to roof it.
I had them do a 31x22 enclosed garage last summer. They said 6 weeks before they would install. We had the slab scheduled to be poured in about 3 weeks, then they called saying they would be doing the install about a day after the pour. We asked about what happened to the 6 weeks, so they said give a call after concrete cured and they would reschedule it. The day came, a truck and trailer and the spanish dudes show up at 8:30am. They get right to action, and they were all done by 2pm. I have no problems, it went up easy and they did a fine job. Just spend a few days picking up the left over self tappers in the grass. The crew we had were a well oiled machine, i couldnt say nothing bout them, they worked their butts off.
Carolina Carports strikes again! They called twice today to schedule the repair for next week (to install missing braces). They already did it and got paid. I think they need better communications and record keeping...