Carolina Truggies


Dec 31, 2008
High Point, NC
These guys are AWESOME!

I'm pretty picky if I deal with a shop. As someone who has learned continuously over the last several years at least enough to get myself in trouble, I hate it when you get someone at a front desk who wants to "big-word" you to sound like they know things they don't. Additionally I hate when you talk to people who actually do know what they are talking about, but CLEARLY think they are doing you a favor just by taking your $$$ and giving you the te of day. It's tough to find someone who falls neatly between those two extremes without be too close to one or the other.

Enter Carolina Truggies. For starters- they answer the phone. How do so many shops not do that any more? Second, even though you can hear grinders whining and bacon sizzling in the background- they take time to discuss things and answer questions... Even when you haven't disclosed the contents of your wallet to them up front. Alex, who's the owner is very knowledgeable but is also very up front with things he hasn't done, doesn't know much about yet etc. I can't tell you how much better I feel speaking with someone who tells. Me they don't know everything... Cause I know that when he DOES say he knows something I can believe him.

Lastly- prices. WTF is the only way I can describe what some shops charge. This isn't 1986 when you can charge whatever the heck you want for something unique and we aren't in BFE Arkansas where there are no options. This is the age of the Internet and competitive prices. These guys get all this. I'm sure I could find some things cheaper on the web than these guys sell it for, but not by much and I am SURE I don't know of another brick-and-mortar vendor with these deals.

These guys are flat out the best off road shop in NC. They have a great resume of builds, good people, good prices, and rep for good product lines. I'm a fan... In a big way.