cashiers check


Joined the Band
Jun 10, 2005
Davie County
Just sold my jeep and the guy gave me a cashiers check, i called the issuing bank and confirmed it, and they said it was fine. Just wondering though. can the buyer put a stop payment on a cashiers check.
They can't put a stop payment order on a cashiers check. That's one of the reasons to get one. Big reasons not to accept them is that they are so easy to counterfit. I saw one last week that even had the micro printing on it. You were wise to call the bank to confirm. That's what my boss did and the bank said they never issued a check with that number. He called the police in the town where it came from and gave them the guys address. Hope he was dumb enough to use his real one!
Actually when I was working for Central Carolina Bank, (now Suntrust), we could get a regional official to stop payment on a teller's check. It is much more complicated than stopping a regular check, something to do with bonding and so forth, but it can be done.

Counterfeit tellers checks are much much more common than one that the payment has been stopped on, but both are possible.

I work for State Employee's Credit Union now, and there is a list of banks that we keep behind that teller line that have had counterfeit "official" checks circulate through our vicinity.

the best advice a bank can give is to know who gave you the check, and how to get in touch with them again!!

--Meredith (wife of 59Willys Chris)
I wouldn't take it. The guy that got the check from the bank can simply call them and say that it was lost/stolen and if it hasn't been cashed yet you loose. Take it to his bank and cash it ASAP!
Yeah, I've gotten to where now all I will take is cash or PayPal.

I posted some vehicles for sale on-line, and I have TONS of those scammers with horrible English email me wanting to send me a fake cashier's check for the vehicle plus shipping to wherever they are.

Who would really want to buy a rusty 1976 Cadillac for $200 plus pay to have it shipped overseas? :flipoff2:
Yes you can stop payment on one, period. Cash or money order only.

Exactly! Also, if *you* use a MO from the USPO when paying for something and get bilked... they treat it like any other postal fraud case... Inspector Gadget will climb up their @$$ with a microscope.
thecarman said:
Yeah, I've gotten to where now all I will take is cash or PayPal.

I posted some vehicles for sale on-line, and I have TONS of those scammers with horrible English email me wanting to send me a fake cashier's check for the vehicle plus shipping to wherever they are.

Who would really want to buy a rusty 1976 Cadillac for $200 plus pay to have it shipped overseas? :flipoff2:

i had one where they were willing to pay $500 for a $50 walmart surrround sound system if i paid shipping to africa, or something like that
What's that, the latest version of the "My father, Ngowa Kinsitzu, was the Finance Minister of Eastern Swaziland until the coup, when he was killed trying to..."?
Thats why CASH is always the best option.

Thats what I do with people I don't know. Cash only unless I know you or can find you easily.
