Chat screen missed messages


Dum Spiro Spero
Apr 16, 2005
Sharon, SC
This has happened a few times now and I am not sure if there is a cure.

So I dont always close out NC4x4 or any other website, sometimes I just walk away from the computer.

I walk in this AM to "chat message" notifications from 4 people.
When I click on the username or red bubble it brings up a chat window and there is clearly a message there...for all or 2 milliseconds...I cant even begin to read just that there is text and then its gone.

What gives? Or am I doing something wrong?
Did you get my msgs?

The chat software has had... over a dozen minor version releases since I updated it last. I should probably look into that.
yep got yours and replied etc.

Think I have this figured out...if you send me a message and then log off...I cant read what you write....I will check and see if it restored when
rockcity next log on
nope they are not restored...
Happened to me alot last night, I would get bits and pieces of what was said, but miss alot of the key details. I had facebook open at the same time and was chatting on there also, I notice the chats are very similar, could this have anything to do with it?