Check my Pattern

I'm no gear expert, but neither of those look great to me...What kind of backlash do those setups have?
I'm no gear expert, but neither of those look great to me...What kind of backlash do those setups have?
about .009 on the .035 setup and .007 on the .038 setup.
From what Randy has said, its not as important to get the contact center from heel to toe but rather more centered from root to flank.
thats correct root to flank is wat your looking at.

your coast and drive is to deep on the .038 run.

your coast side on the .035 is a touch shallow. your .003 adjustment shallowed the coast more than what i would expect. drive is acceptable. Its probbably in the gears lapping. I would run it or deepen it a hair .001.

what gear set is this a d30 hard to find quality d30 gears these days.

is there a backlash stamping. might leave your current pinion depth and try a .006 backlash to get the coast to come out where you want it.

Either way nice work you had an unacceptable pattern in my opinion and you took the time to get it to were it needs to be.
this is a 8.25 gear setup. I liked the .035 setup the best but wanted to make sure. I think I will set the backlash at .006 and recheck the pattern, I do think it will make for a better contact. Thanks Chase.