Cleaning an air filter?


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2008
I was wondering if/how you can clean an air filter. My XJs' air filter is filthy. It has quite a bit of oil in it and it just has carbon gunk built up. I've heard of people soaking them in gasoline and letting them dry. Will this work and be worth it or no? I'm just afraid to buy a new air filter because it'll probably have blow-by in it after awhile also...Help! :confused:
Is this a paper air filter or a reusable one like K&N? If it is a paper filter, just throw that one out and buy a new one. If it is a reusable one (like K&N), all you need to do is wash it out with water and an air filter cleaner, then once it is dry you spray the oil on it (from the cleaning kit you can get from any auto parts store).
Talking K&N.
I take a trash can and fill with hot soapy water (I use dishwashing liquid) and just go up and down forcing water through my filter for a while and then just lay it up to dry when I think it's good. Then fill with oil after it dries and let that set a while. Usually good for another 15-20,000. I have the air top too though so it helps go longer than just a side filter. If you got just the side filter, those may need attention sooner?
Use compressed air from the inside to blow out. I've done that many time. You still need to replace ti eventually, but it helps.
if it's soaked with oil, from blow by, you only have the choice of replacing it. Take the time to clean out the air box. $5 and you will be breathing better for a while.
It's a reusable one. I'm pretty sure it's a fram. So I can just spray it off with water and let it dry and clean out the air box and it should be fine?
I don't think a prefilter's gonna hold out mud, but it might, I don't know anything about em.

It's one of them enclosed intakes anyway like off of a truck that has the normal size sit on top filter inside and the tube off one side.

I've got the dang intake tube ran into the firewall of the Jeep haven't had trouble keeping out mud since I did that, I just can't get all the existing mud that's in it out.

On another side note I wonder how important that oil is, don't think I've ever oiled the filter on my Z71 or Jeep after attempted cleanings, well except for one time but I've tried to wash it again since . . . .
fyi.. the prefilter is design just for that. to keep mud, debris etc out of it..

as for dried in mud.. i would try soaking it for a few hrs.. if that does nto work then buy a new on put a pre filter on it and be done :)