Cleaning/fixing threads


You look like a monkey and smell like one too
May 18, 2005
Churchville, MD
I have some nuts/threads oin the 4Runner body which seem to be a bit buggered up/have metal fragments in em from buggered alloy bolts etc.
What's the best way to clean/straighten up the threads? i was debating just runing a tapered Grade 8 threw 'em, but then wonder if a tap would be a better bet. (need excuse to buy tap/die set anyway...)
use a tap and LOTS of lube, work the tap back and forth, if you feel it bind, change directions to clear the debris.

then use anti sieze on the new bolts.

Been there done that on the hard top bolts, they get to be a pain with age.

PB Blaster is your friend
I second the tap idea. Any excuse to get new tools is good. A grade 8 bolt will probably just screw up the thread more.
Well, again, I disagree. If you are gonna use a tap, use a wore out one. A tap will cut, not what you wanna do. I bought a Snap on thread chasing kit off of Ebay for about a thrid the price. Have used it often.