cool burnouts

that second one is badassed... smoking a bike tire.. you realize what it takes to do that... damn
The first one is an idiot, The bus should have hit him.
Second one took talent. Or maybe it was fright, might have seen the USMC coming and didn't know what to do
Aren't those are doughnuts, and not burnouts?
A burnout, you still still and just smoke the hell out of the tires.

Guy #2 gets my vote. #1 is, as said, an idiot. I was hoping the bus would hit him.
You do realize those are doughnuts, and not burnouts, right?
A burnout, you still still and just smoke the hell out of teh tires.
Guy #2 gets my vote. #1 is, as said, an idiot. I was hoping the bus would hit him.
Actually (to me) a burnout is when you burn'em while leaving the this:burnout: sitting still , is what I call line locking or power braking which takes way less talent.

If you look closely at the bmw video, there are 2 busses. One passes by, under the cover of the smoke cloud.
This guy is an idiot, the traffic is what I wanted yall to see.

The bycycle vid. is just to cool not to share.
when it rains

I dont think the tire was smoking, I think it was mist from a wet road.....still very cool anyway.
When the road gets wet in iraq it is super slippery
the bike one is sweet