Cool math trick

Dylan W.

lone resident of Bro-Lite Island
Mar 17, 2007
Mocksville NC
This may be a repeat, but I think its cool:beer:

First get a will need it.

Key in your first 3 digits of your phone number(not area code)

Multiply by 80

Add 1

multiply by 250

add last 4 digits of phone #

Again..add last 4 digits of phone #

Subtract 250

Divide by 2

recognize the number?
This may be a repeat, but I think its cool:beer:
First get a will need it.
Key in your first 3 digits of your phone number(not area code)
Multiply by 80
Add 1
multiply by 250
add last 4 digits of phone #
Again..add last 4 digits of phone #
Subtract 250
Divide by 2
recognize the number?

I got your phone number, is that right?

I didnt put much thought into it...That way, It stays magical!!!:confused:

But yeah, go ahead....explain it. Remember, I am a slow learner, y o u h a v e t o t y p e
s l ooo w l y !!
mine was 1.5 more than my number, but its close enough to be creepy
Ok brainiacs

Breaks down like this....
Lets say that the first 3 numbers are "X", and the last 4 are "Y".

Eq starts out like:

Now do the math....
then drop parens....
simplify again

multiplying the first set by 10,000 just moves the decimal over by 4 spaces, so when you add the last number, it all becomes one big number.
Ok brainiacs
Breaks down like this....
Lets say that the first 3 numbers are "X", and the last 4 are "Y".
Eq starts out like:
Now do the math....
then drop parens....
simplify again
multiplying the first set by 10,000 just moves the decimal over by 4 spaces, so when you add the last number, it all becomes one big number.

Your knowledge of math far exceeds anything I want to read or think of again.......Unless I really have to.
Ok brainiacs
Breaks down like this....
Lets say that the first 3 numbers are "X", and the last 4 are "Y".
Eq starts out like:
Now do the math....
then drop parens....
simplify again
multiplying the first set by 10,000 just moves the decimal over by 4 spaces, so when you add the last number, it all becomes one big number.

everything I might need in life I learn off the internet
Ok brainiacs
Breaks down like this....
Lets say that the first 3 numbers are "X", and the last 4 are "Y".
Eq starts out like:
Now do the math....
then drop parens....
simplify again
multiplying the first set by 10,000 just moves the decimal over by 4 spaces, so when you add the last number, it all becomes one big number.
These numbers just looked like spaghetti to was the words at the bottom that i understood. That made me try to figure out where the ''x 10,000'' came from..once i figured that out, it all started to click...the add 250, subtract 250, add one, divide by 2 ...all that stuff made sense then. I seem to be getting smarter, the longer I know ratlabguy!:beer: and my brain is starting to hurt.
Your knowledge of math far exceeds anything I want to read or think of again.......Unless I really have to.

This is like 5th grade algebra, it really is not that complicated.

The *hard part* is figuring out how the equation is set up in the first place. E.g., thinking of that first set if numbers as a single variable, and writing it all out.

Yeah, all the "magic" here is in multiplying by 10k then adding the rest. Anything else is just there to make it sound complicated.
Ok brainiacs
Breaks down like this....
Lets say that the first 3 numbers are "X", and the last 4 are "Y".
Eq starts out like:
Now do the math....
then drop parens....
simplify again
multiplying the first set by 10,000 just moves the decimal over by 4 spaces, so when you add the last number, it all becomes one big number.

Damnit man,you just took all the fun out of it,now its like i'm back in school