crazy lift springs.......

apparantly it has tons of flex to need what looks like track rods front and rear :lol:

funtunality must be in the eye of the beholder. apparantly this guy thinks it good for something:shaking:
Two things: Why are there overload springs in the rear? I mean really exactly how much weight would you have to put in that thing before you had to worry about negatively arcing the springs? and why would you point your exhaust AT your fuel cell?

God I miss natural selection!
Wow. Why not just weld the axle to the hugemongus subframe contraption? I've sworn off anything over an 8" spring, can't imagine what multi-leaf horseshoes ride like.

But, with a little more inward bend on the ends it could be fully buggy sprung with only one spring at each corner....
I'm not going to say a bad thing about it. No lift blocks, actual crossover steering, a front driveshaft, and ONLY TWO SHOCKS PER AXLE! If a guy just has to go big, at least he did it right-ish.
Crossover steering is cool, but what about the draglink and the track bar making a "X"? I would say bumpsteer, but the suspension probably wont move so it shouldn't be a problem I guess.
how do you get the groceries in it ?
the overload springs are so he can run a 30" drop hitch to tow the trailer with the forklift, so he can put stuff in the back.
he would also need two people to get gas, one to throw him the hose after he spends 15 min trying to climb up there.
I'd like some 33's on there so it could run ECORS A-class :lol:

Go rolling down the hill lol... Looks like any kind of sharp turn would cause a rollover. Not sayin I wouldn't drive it around, because I know I would, just saying it would probably end badly about the time I hit a big speed bump.
You can see that it doesn't flex at all when it hits the first bump...

My favorite quote "I can't wait to see it when he gets bigger tires" :lol:
Ha, give me a break thats a functional suspension . . . this however isn't allthou he mud bogs with it regularly :lol:

Allthou honestly he really doesn't need suspension for what he's doing so I guess he don't care bout the rough ride, he owns several Mud trucks anyway, ha :driver:



500 lb. leaf pack.
i just realized the drag link and track bar are crossing. i doubt he flexes it enough for it to be a problem tho :lol: