Custom Exhaust Shop--Raleigh?


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2005
I am looking to get some custom pipes bent for my headers. It looks like it should be pretty simple install. Got any good shops to go to? What kinda cash should i be looking to spend?
Bob's Muffler is a decent shop. they always hook me up and they like 4-wheelin' buggies and truggy's. they are in Garner/Raleigh.. 70 (S. Saunders) to Tryon Rd. take first left and they are on your left (back of Wal Mart shopping center) :beer:

gonna have to get some custom pipes bend for my CJ. do these places do mandrel bending??

Bobs or Henrys. I always go to Bobs and he treats me right. Never been to Henrys but hear good things about him. I dont believe Bobs has a mandrel bender - offroading you dont need it.
alright, now that i have some shops in mind. What kinda of cash am i looking to set down. I am going from a single outlet exhaust with one cat to probably a true duals with two cats. ballpark?
BigBody79 said:
alright, now that i have some shops in mind. What kinda of cash am i looking to set down. I am going from a single outlet exhaust with one cat to probably a true duals with two cats. ballpark?

Not to be rude, but how about you call the shops for a quote.
i second or third henrys. THAT PLACE IS AWSOME. they do great work and let you know exactly what they are doing or what you want. good cus. service to

Bobs has a Mandrel Hydraulic Bender. They bent me a handrail out of a piece of thick wall 2" stainless. Didn't charge me a penny. 2 bends took 5 minutes.
There's a place in Apex someone told me about - RJ's? I have never been there. Heard they sell pieces for custom exhaust if needed for like 3" and such that you can't get at a parts store.
CarQuest can order any size peices but are pricey.