cut up the purple people eater


8 lug disc brakes?
Mar 20, 2005
Jonesborough, TN

I plan to keep the suspension and motor, but redo almost everything else.

new body (2 seater)
rebuild propane mixer
rebuild trans
rebuild t-case to go back to stock gears
new tires
rebuild axles



You could also call it something along the lines of the Silver Snake or Blue Monkey and get the symbol from the old Nick show "Legends of the Hidden Temple" :rolleyes:

I was a fan of the purple people eater so I can't wait to see the new setup.
Do your spine a favor and put some real seats in there. Those plastic ones can seriously hurt you.
Dont cheap out. They are not a suspension seat and they can cause serious injury. Its just not smart. If you dont believe me then read what JJ posted on pirate and hardline.

Interesting story. I think I heard about that. Did he flip on Pinball? Never understood why so many people flip there.

I've took several hard rolls with my buggy and never had a problem that I'd blame on the seats. It's almost too late to change the plan. My biggest concern with other seats is rain since I have an open cab.

Ok, doubt im going to convince you but you seem hell bent on putting a seat proven to be a bad choice in an offroad application into your buggy. I have an open buggy with corbeau seats and i scoop the water out and go ride like everyone else. You now have a passenger going to be riding with you. You need to start thinking of there well being also. Im not saying every roll is going to hurt you but the one wrong bounce you take could make your (or your passengers) life more painful for a long time.

We have all seen you post roll caption a thousand times. I have rolled many many times also, along with hitting a tree dead on at over 40mph in my buggy and got out and laughed about it. I want you to be able to do the same. You probably spent 5X the amount of cash on your axle shafts than you did on your seats.

Im off my soap box now. Continue on.
those seat suck. I'm SOOO glad I got rid of mine.

edit: I have an open cab also...I'd much rather deal with a wet ass than being paralyzed.
Patooyees story is little more than an anecdote. I'm not saying suspension seats aren't better, because clearly they are, but that is weak evidence at best.
What made you decide to do a twin seater?

Well I really wanted to sell it and buy something else so it would be something new and exciting. Since I couldn't sell it I decided to try to change it up. That's one easy way to do it. Also I may do some comp stuff where I need a spotter.
I like the name Super Grover. But thats probably just because I have a 2 year old and she loves sesame street. I can hear him saying it now...Supppperrrr Groverrrrr...
How about blue balls? You can hang some truck nutz of the back. Just kidding. Good luck with the build.
Why switch the tcase gears? Going with the Tennessee cut on the new tires too?

Also, you can get two baja ss corbeaus for under 350 shipped from a couple different vendors for what it's worth. They really are far more comfortable than the plastic seats even if you don't care about safety.
Paint it silver and call it the silver bullet. Then drive around throwing Coors at everyone while yelling, "SILVER BULLET TRAIN!!"
Why switch the tcase gears? Going with the Tennessee cut on the new tires too?

The 4:1 is too low for trail riding. While it's cool on really technical stuff it is a pain on the trails and I find myself on more trails than technical stuff.

Yes, the new tires will be TN cut sorta like my old ones, but little different pattern.
Pure Evil
