D300 output


Better Faster Stronger
Mar 17, 2005
N. N. Raleigh, NC
ok so i broke the output on the d300...

At first I was thinking hell no on the atlas upgrade etc... But then i priced out what the d300 32spline outputs were costing these days.. vs what an atlas is costing...

Which route should I go? :popcorn:

Any suggestions?
And send me the 4 to 1 gears from the 300 for further testing...
What does the 32 spline outputs upgrade cost?
I think I got mine for around $500 or $600 for both of them...

Seems like an upgrade is the best affordable option to me unless you have $2000+ laying around
get an atlas or a stak. Both can be had pretty regularly around 1500-1800 dollars. After looking at the needed parts to beef up a d300 it was a no brainer to just buy the atlas and spend just a little extra up front.
FYI, Travis runs a D300 with the 4:1 kit and 32 spline upgrades. It think it has been good to him so far, and he wheels all the time.
FYI, Travis runs a D300 with the 4:1 kit and 32 spline upgrades. It think it has been good to him so far, and he wheels all the time.
get the 32 spline crap unless you just want to spend 2k. If you were taking a stock 300 and wanting to add 4:1 and 32 spline outputs I'd tell you just to buy an Atlas.
Ask yourself how fer you are going to go with it.

I would look on pirate classified and wait for a used one.

My friends Jeep has a flip kit, 4to1 gears, upgraded input and outputs, and yokes, and the total cost of the case was right around what the cost of an atlas would be.

He still flexes the case, we still spend alot of time chasing loose bolts from case flex (a big part of that is the clocking ring, though), and the case is always leaking from the inspection cover, again from flexing.

He has not broken the case, yet, but I imangine it is only a matter of time.

The Atlas in the buggy was a one shot purchase. Order it from Advance, open the box, and bolt it on. We have not touched a single thing on it in 4 years and 2 chassis.

I think I paid $250 also