[Dec 1, 2012] [December 1, 2012] New Offroad Park in Upstate SC (South Carolina)


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2009
Columbia, SC
A new 500 acre offroad park is set to be opening in the near future. I have not personally been there but heard that the land has great potential (lots of rocks, hills). The owner has set up a ride on December the 1st from 9 until 4. It will require a $20 per rig donation and $5 per passenger. The park is located off highway 11 near Walhalla. I will update this as specific directions and more information become available.

More information can be found http://www.offroadsc.com/showthread.php?2611-New-Offoard-Park-in-the-Upstate
so does it have any actual trails yet or is this just gonna be like a see an obstacle then hit sort of thing?
Looks awesome. About 4.5 hrs from the Triad. I joined the site.
This white will be there with ol moby
Keeping my eye on this.
I was out there in my buggy and this place is pretty awesome! Its got a decent amount of trails already as it was setup to be a subdivision a while ago and the have cut harder trails off the main trails. U can bring a stock jeep or a buggy on 40's and you will have a good time. I guess the only complaint alot of people had last time was it was kinda hard to find things as there is no map yet but thats just half the fun to me!
Is there any info on this about exact location or meeting times... I'd like to know a Lil a head of time instead of the day before
kinda reminds me of the Flats when we first started working on it. I hope I get a chance to check it out soon.
Is there any info on this about exact location or meeting times... I'd like to know a Lil a head of time instead of the day before

Look up "trak n trail" on Facebook they have the address and some more info on there.

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259 Sunset Community Road, Sunset, SC Is the address. I plan on attending from Asheville, who's up for setting up a meeting time and heading down together?
Wish I had the funds
I'm coming from canton... I'd be willing to meet ppl along the way... Ill be Rollin by myself
Going to make every effort to be there. Should be two other rigs with me.
They are putting up trail signs now and have been working on the parking lot and also tryin to get a map made by sat! Everyone come out and support this place.
Wish I could make it but am on call that weekend. You guys take lots of pics.
Update:: Meeting at 7:30 in Ingles parking lot across from the Biltmore Square Mall off exit 33. Gas station next door and food available for picnics.