Deck construction question


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2005
Calling all framers! Am planning a code compliant deck in Meck county and need advice. Yes, I am adequate in framing, but since 'the Man' is coming, adequate wont cut it. Question is based on this -I have to run the beams (girders) on either side of my posts, and carriage bolt through x2 bolts. So if I need to splice my beams to get the length required, how do you do this. If I set a 6x6 post and splice my beams end to end, I still only get a small amount of meat on the outer side of each board. 6" post / 2 = 3" with 5/8" bolt in center of that 3" = 1.5" and a 5/8" in the center of that = <1" of wood past the bolt= me worried. Any suggestions? I am assuming that I cant get 8" posts at sLowes.
Are you talking about a interior girder supporting the joist or the edge band around the outside of the deck. If an interior girder you could set it on top of the post with a "Simpson" plate to tie them together. If double edge band, you can stagger the joints on the two pieces of 2x? This way two bolts per post would be fine. If it's a single edge band you could always mortise the band into the post, then all the weight is supported by the post and not the bolts. Again if it's a double band, you could mortise the inner band and bolt the outer over top of it. Still a lot better support that bolts alone. I don't know if the code addresses the bolt arrangement specifically at a splice but you can always call the inspection dept. and talk to an inspector. Most of them are happy to answer questions before a code violation is made. Good luck on the deck.
Interior girder.
Meck county has a deck-code flier that states that I must bolt through, not set on top. And I have yet to have an inspector that gives me a straight answer on any framing questions. Very frustrating. They tell me that if I cant figure out how to frame it, then the whole project is out of my capabilities. I think that they just want contractors to do it. I have framing books, but none address this issue.
That's too bad about the lame building inspectors, it's only your taxes paying there salary.
Go to a local building supply and get an 8x8, I know Stock bld supply has them as will many local yards. Good luck.