Drink & Drive much?


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2006
Edenton, NC
It's about 5 minutes but it's worth it. This is a compilation of safety videos put together by the TAC (Australia's version of the DOT) about drinking and driving.

These are ACTUAL commercials aired on public access tv during prime time. The first year these aired there were over 700+ road deaths. 20 years later they're down to 300.

Now I'd like to see these played here.

Drinking and driving is out of hand in most countries to include ours. A beer with dinner is one thingbut something need to be done. I think they should ask for volunteers at the DUI stops/checkpointa. Folks to help log info maybe even guide trafic. 2-5 volunteers could allow another checkpoint or at lease 2-5 cops still on the road ways. Just my thought. Drinking and driving is on of my big pet peeves along with speeding in heighborhoods. Stepping down from my box now.