Dude where's my TRAR?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2009
Fletcher, NC
Saw this while driving yesterday. I was compelled to go home, get the camera and return for a few pics. I don't know if its a TRAR or a CUCK, but it made me LMAO. :shaking:



lol....wtf is that thing?
That was on craigslist not long ago. It was supposed to be done by some special shop or something, but really, what the heck would you do with it? Not much use as a truck, not much use as a car, not much use to look at... It's just not much use...
I think.... someone just ruined what was a 74-87 full size chevy pickup.

If that's what it was, it's a great looking body style without doing anything to it.

From cab on back - I can deal with, but the front... WTF??
At least I don't see any truck nutz on it.