Electric power steering pump w/ full hydro?


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
Searched around on EBAY a little, would an electric power steering pump flow enough for full hydro w/ a small bore cylinder (1.5")?

Debating an electric one for ease of mounting, and less power drain on an already low power engine (70HP stock).

To use a regular PS pump I need a reverse rotation pump from an LT1 I think, plus I have to make a bracket to mount it to the engine.

Back in the day subaru ran an electric ps pump.
Michael, check the gpm and psi. You only need at most 2000 psi om your ram. As far as the gpm check it against some factory and aftermarket, to much will heat up and be overkill plus shorten its life. Hope this helps.
go to autozone and u can order electric pump for a 1989 subaru xt it is what is on my samurai and worked well getting ready to replace it cause motor went out but autozone's pumps are lifetime warranty