Exploding washing machines...hits close to home...

Will Carter

Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2005
May have seen this on the news this evening...


My sister sends me this link and I'm thinking..."Ok, some idiot loaded a washing machine with a cinder block or something..."

So I open the video and there sits my aunt, uncle, and their three kids standing around a piano...???...

Knowing my aunt she probably loved every minute of it...describing how her washing machine flew apart...right up there with describing how the tornado sounded going throught the trailer park...

This is the first I heard of it... after talking to my sister I got a little more info....

The washer let go....quite extravegantly I might add (look at that twisted metal...haha)...
They called whirlpool for a little support in obtaining a new machine. Whirlpool said they'd come get it and would give them a discount if they figured out that it was a faulty dryer...of course that would end in no money for a new washer...
So they bought a new one (cause with 3 kids they needed one pretty quick)...then my aunt got the bright idea to call the news station...:lol:
Guess it worked though...they got the purchase price ($750.00) back and got they're 3.5 minutes of fame...
So, let me get this straight. They had a Whirlpool, it let go. After getting no satisfaction from Whirlpool they went ahead and spent even more money on what, another Whirlpool?


I think that failure is awesome. If anything Whirlpool should have wanted to get it back to see what failed in it. And I'm sure it was just a normal load when it failed, but what about other times? Kids have their shoes washed ever? Kids ever stick something in there without mom looking?

Just another front-loading failure. I'm not impressed with the overall track-record of home front-loaders from all brands. I have heard of numerous issues with them from friends/family/aquaintences. Top-loading units have stood the test of time and "expensive" front-loading units seem really friggin' cheap if you ask me. The doors on $1000+ units are very flimsy, nothing like a commercial machine. That is sad.

As an aside: I just picked up my "normal" cheap Whirlpools from Sears the other day. Have not even hooked them up yet.
the top loading whirlpool cabrio they bought for a grand is sweet.... that thing works better than the front loader and doesn't have the mold issues that front loaders are prone to. :)

-Eik <--- washes his massive comforter in his parents cabrio since his washer sucks :)