F250 Stuporduty clunk noise


Doing hard time
Jun 1, 2006
7, Pocket, NC
The thread by @Clubbs motivated me to chase down my clunk noise. Left (driver) front. Sounds hollow/dull thud on small bumps and my gravel road. Been doing it a few months. Had a couple of shops look at it with nothing found.

Ford place (there for oil change) said it was driver side tie rod end, want 1200 for one installed. (It's tight as when it left the factory).

Independent shop found a few missing bolts on the bumper, was sure that was it. (DSPO had a ranch bumper on it, and but stock back on when he traded). It wasn't. But it quieted another clunk.

Another independent shop (that I trust) thought it was the drag link end at the steering box. It did have a touch of play, so I agreed to replace. A problem, but not the cause. That was yesterday.

Today, I put new shocks on the front end. It needed them anyway. I was sure that was it when I pulled the left front off, the top bushing was tore up and the metal stud was rubbing the mount. Nope.

All the bushings and links look good on the sway bar and track bar. But you really can't see the track bar bushings. Or the control arm bushings. Control arm bolts got torqued.

And, the front left body mount seems to have been the cause for some folks. it's tight and good shape.

Is @jeepinmatt my only hope now? 🔥🔥🔥
Wish I had something to offer of any help. I was about to just settle with the clunk on mine. Hope you find it soon...
It sure what year yours is, but I am on the third set of sway bar links. They make an annoying clunk when wore out.
It sure what year yours is, but I am on the third set of sway bar links. They make an annoying clunk when wore out.
Its a 2019. 4wd. 68000 miles.
Check the rear cab mounts. Fixed a clunk and squeak on one of my F250s.
That driver's side panhard bar frame mount and body mount are notorious on Fords. Although, that's not many miles to be having those issues already.
Ok, so I dropped a hunnert bucks on a Chassis Ear microphone system. It is fantastic, could have been useful so many times in the past.

I placed the microphones (6) on the most likely candidates, went for a drive. Nothing. Six more. Still nothing. I did six test drives, but a couple of them I re-checked the same locations, so probably 30 points tested in total. Nothing.

Track bar ends, sway bar links, shocks (that I just replaced), springs, radius/control arms, calipers, some body panels & mounts, steering gear box, steering shaft, etc.

I finally found a hole in the driveway where things moved and flexed just right and I could get it to make the sound without having to drive up and back but a couple of feet. I did figure out that I can, as much as hear it, feel a slight thump in the steering wheel (I think, you know how it is when your hunting something).

I am going to keep searching....I'm on a mission now.