FAQ - How to delete YOUR threads


Better Faster Stronger
Mar 17, 2005
N. N. Raleigh, NC
FAQ - How to delete YOUR threads

- YOU as the thread starter or FIRST poster, can delete YOUR entire thread.

1) Simply click edit on the first post in the thread.
2) Then select "Go Advanced"
You will see a delete section above the normal edit area.
3) Select "Delete Message" and if desired enter a "Reason for Deletion" if you like.
4) Click "Delete this Message" button.

In the "Delete this Message" section at the top of the page, while in advanced edit mode, it CLEARLY SAYS:

To delete this message, check the appropriate option below and then click the 'Delete this Message' button.
Note: deleting this message will result in the deletion of the entire thread because this is the first post in the thread.

For those that can't or choose NOT to read, here are some picture instructions.



Regular users can only delete their own threads in very specific instances.

IIRC, the classified forums is the only place where they have that privilege. The rest of the time, it requires moderator intervention.
I didn't know this method.
When I've been asked "How do I delete my thread" (from the Swap Meet forums), I've replied...
go to your thread,
find the THREAD TOOLS drop down menu in the upper RH side,
hit the PERORM ACTION button,
on the next screen, enter a reason (e.g. SOLD)
then hit the DELETE THREAD button.