First Crash of KOH 2010 Testing @ JV


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
Granite Falls
Link from Pirate

Revolution Racing shocks was testing friday with Dean Bulloch's 3 Racers when it happened. The guy was not with us, in fact he was alone, not wearing a helmet and was not wearing his harness. While crossing the lake bed at about 70+ he hit the bomb bowls and this nearly new racer cart wheeled 6-8 times before catching on fire while the driver was pinned under the car. If our group was'nt there he would be dead. The man had some serious injuries. There was a new helmet in his trailer still in the box.

The failures here are astounding. Please start your brain before the motor.



yeah saw that on MD creepers earlier.

seat belts + helmet = good idea... always.

dude is very lucky.
and it looks like the cage was very well built!

The Driver is OK...
severe head wound but was released from the Hospial that night.....
Few stitches and he is very sore...
He has been racing Open Wheel Sprint Cars most of his life and his words to me, "I know Better".....
He told me he was excited to get there, he was out there a few different times in last few weeks and that he was just going to warm it up around the Lake bed, he knows he is very lucky to be alive....

as far as the Car, they have it apart and the said that the Chassis is Straight...:smokin:
we placed a order for complete new axles, should have them to him this week end...we build Spidertrax and a Hi-brid 60 in house and had almost all the parts in stock...
3.5 Spider 9's with Mega Drop outs....Rcv shafts front and Rear, with all our new spidertrax brackets.....

He says he is still Racing!!!!!
^^ I'm glad he's ok.
I don't mean to be a dick... but... in some way I kinda wish he was worse off (I'm amazed he isn't) just as a better lesson of why safety gear is so important. I have this horrible feeling somebody could say "Well look at this guy, he took 7-8 cartwheels w/o safety gear and came out fine, why should I bother?"
^^ I'm glad he's ok.
I don't mean to be a dick... but... in some way I kinda wish he was worse off (I'm amazed he isn't) just as a better lesson of why safety gear is so important. I have this horrible feeling somebody could say "Well look at this guy, he took 7-8 cartwheels w/o safety gear and came out fine, why should I bother?"

Unfortunately he suffered a serious head injury and almost bled out. The ball cap he was wearing is fine and was 100 feet away. His arm appeared to be broken and who knows what else. Both axles were bent and the chassis appeared to have a twist. The car looked well built it was just a violent crash.
Thank you to every one there that helped, as you guys saved his life!

Myself and Nick Poudrier and Todd Little saw the crash and were the first people on site. We reached the car with in 45 seconds. Gary (the driver), was facing backwards in his seat with his arm pinned under the cage of the car. The car was on fire when we approached. This crash was worse than any other crash that I have seen on TV. I fully expected to see someone dead when we arrived.

I crashed during testing at 65 mph with full safety gear and my co-driver still got injured. I have a new respect for speed and fully understand that I know nothing about going fast in the desert....just because you have been rock crawling for 20 years does not mean you are ROBBY GORDON....I hope the other rock crawlers competing in KOH get this and pay attention to being safe. Trust me you don't want to learn it the hard way.

I don't think he will try it again, And know where your coming from. Hopefully it was bad enough to make people aware.
I don't mean to be a dick... but... in some way I kinda wish he was worse off (I'm amazed he isn't) just as a better lesson of why safety gear is so important. I have this horrible feeling somebody could say "Well look at this guy, he took 7-8 cartwheels w/o safety gear and came out fine, why should I bother?"

that is possibly the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard. prefacing that with "I don't mean to be a dick" doesn't make it any better.
I agree with pherry. The guy broke his arm and bled pretty bad not to mention a hand full of small things. What else to you want, him to be paralyzed or in a coma to "learn his lesson"???
Normally we think, "Oh, going into a rock garden/huge obstacle. Engage all my safety shit" when usually it isn't the slow speed stuff that'll get ya are going slow. But that is when we all put our stuff on.

The problem is that you think, "Oh, I'm just gonna drive out across here. How hard can it be?" So you put your beer down and just hop in, disregarding taking the extra 82 seconds it takes to buckle up and get on your noodle pad. You gradually build up speed b/c you want to get there faster and then that is when you get bit. Then there is a hole/boulder/child that jumps out in front of you and the next thing you know you are bleeding from the face.

I've never seen anything this bad but I've seen plenty of disregard for safety and it come back to bite the person.

Over the last few years it appears that anytime anyone gets some speed up at a place like that, that is when you get FAWKED. Not beat up, not taking a hit, FAWKED.

His roll cage did its job. His seat belt and helmet would've also worked flawlessly if they had been used.

I just hope all the chase vehicles/spectator vehicles/all non-competition vehicles will have full safety equipment used. I'm not worried about the racers, they have to be taken care of. Everyone else is able to do whatever they want...
Looks to like the big lesson from this is that really big tires arent made to go fast. I sitting here trying to figure out what caused this and the best I can come up with is that the hydro mount on the front axle tore off and caused the front tires to go in different directions. I'd say too much leverage on even a well built steering setup is a BBBAAADDD thing.
No, he was hauling ass and came up on one of those bomb craters. After that, it was endo time.
Yea I guess thats it. It just seemed like there's more to it than that. I guess I'm just looking too far into it.
I don't put my junk in gear without lap belts and dick belt at least. I jumped in it at Harlan once to move it off the trail for people to pass, a spot I'd been in hundreds of times, rolled it with no belts and was very lucky not to get hurt. Ever since then I'm sorta a bitch about riding/driving anything without belts and a cage.
^^ I'm glad he's ok.
I don't mean to be a dick... but... in some way I kinda wish he was worse off (I'm amazed he isn't) just as a better lesson of why safety gear is so important. I have this horrible feeling somebody could say "Well look at this guy, he took 7-8 cartwheels w/o safety gear and came out fine, why should I bother?"
So....does this mean you're a fool for racing a 4runner with no cage or harnesses?