For those living in or around York, SC


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2006
Edenton, NC
What do yall think of it? I'm moving there VERY soon.
been here all my life
well mostly..
great town, losing most of its small town feel.
Has tripled in poulation in 8 years, and many areas with York adresses werent considered York when I was coming up.

What part of ton are you moving to?
What are your concerns? Schools/activities/shops etc?

To me its in a bad place right now.
Too big to be the lil country town it used to be (Im talking when there was 1 stop light in the whole town, now there are probably a dozen)
Too little to really have enough to do.
I am more concerend with space than activity so went south another 15 miles to the york sharon border. Suits my needs
I'm really not sure where I'll be living at the moment. I plan to get all that straight when i head down there on Thursday. I don't know that I have many concerns (I'm single), but I don't wanna be in the "ghetto", if ya know what I mean. I was just looking for some input on the town itself. I'm not too familiar with the surroundings as of yet.
Pm sent
I've been in York for around 18 years now. We live about 3 miles outside town. My wife is from there and she wanted to move back, so we did. I didn't think much of it at first, but I really enjoy living there now. You can get pretty much anything you need around town. And if you can't find something, Rock Hill, Charlotte, and Gastonia are but a short drive away. York is definately on the move as far as growth goes. Like anywhere else, along with growth there are some pains to go with it.