Ford ZF6 fluid pump not circulating --- remote 12v pump fix?


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
So I recently got the Cummins back in my F350 (curse this truck), it never shifted good with the 5r110 so I swapped it to a ZF6. Well, now come to find out the internal pump in the ZF6 must be bad as it's not circulating fluid.... I have tried blowing air in both hoses (as I am not sure which is the pressure and which is return), I THINK I figured out which is the pressure line, but it doesn't consistently push fluid out of it.

So I am thinking, would it work to put an in line fluid pump to circulate fluid? I really don't want to pull the transmission again, but I guess there may not be another option other than rebuilding it. I can't find anyone local that rebuilds the ZF6's either, I don't really want to do it myself, but might not have a choice.

This is the pump I was thinking about running, it has a 30min duty cycle, I am striking out on finding a pump that isn't hundreds of dollars, I hate to spend that much on something that might not work.

Anyone have any great ideas on a fix for this?

Pretty sure I have an extra 12v pump that looks like that one sitting around if you want me to get the info off of it to see if it will work for you. Also I have had zf5 and 6 rebuilt a few places in charlotte.
Pretty sure I have an extra 12v pump that looks like that one sitting around if you want me to get the info off of it to see if it will work for you. Also I have had zf5 and 6 rebuilt a few places in charlotte.
Do you remember what the places were?
try Geartrain 7043938841 or southern powertrain 7043430003. I think I used CCC but they closed shop.