FREE Baltimore 4 wheeler weekend at Rausch Creek for 1 vehicle (2 people)


Better Faster Stronger
Mar 17, 2005
N. N. Raleigh, NC
FREE Baltimore 4 wheeler weekend at Rausch Creek

Ok, have paid for 1 vehicle and 1 passenger. Has the meals + for the extra person etc.. (I also got some shirts that I will have some friends pickup.)

I hurt my back today I can't hardly get off the couch at the moment, no less attempt to drive 8hrs to camp/wheel.

I know its last minute but I figure id offer up the tickets... Who wants to go ?

Also i have reserved site 30 at this place, I have NOT canceled the reservation yet but I will if no one wants it. I can get my $ back on that but will call and transfer it to you but you will have to pay for it.. Its a full hook up site.

Only crawling I'm doing it back to bed...

Let me know if your interested. I've got several posts out so don't assume its yours just by replying. -mike
I am sorry to hear about your back talk about bad timing. I have been also planning a trip for this weekend to rausch creek for months. If this offer is still available I would love to take you up on it. Hope you feel better soon
Awwww man.. I had heard you messed up your back, shit... well at least once you heal up you'll be ready to go!

Ya can't load a 4L80E into a truck by yourself, bobo.. :flipoff2: Seriously though...what happened?