Friend in Charlotte had her house broken into and dog is missing


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2005
Raleigh, NC
This is a good friend of mine from back home in Virginia.
She JUST moved into her new house, and this crap happens, destroyed back door, everything of value GONE.

If anyone is over near there, and sees a random beagle running around, please see if it's him.
(I can't find any good pics of the dog, or I'd post it here)

Just sucks to ever get robbed, and especially in a brand new house during the holidays. :(

If anyone can help, I'll get you beers or a steak.
Tell her to check all of the pounds in the area to see if anyone picked him up and took him in or call to have the dog catcher pick him up. My friends dog in SD got loose and was gone for a few days. I told them to check the pound everyday and sure enough the first time they called he was there. they just had to go down and verify it was him. Even if he has a collar sometimes people don't check it or the collar gets loose and comes off (that's what happened to my friends dog). I live in Charlotte but I live near Mathews. If I happen to see the pooch in my travels I'll snatch him up and bring him home, my mutt could use a friend for an afternoon.
I hope the dog was micro chipped. That greatly increases the chance of getting the dog back. Animal control checks each dog for a chip when its picked up.
Dog was/is.
The good news, apparently he just took off when the door was kicked in/destroyed/left broken and open.
So dog came back this AM around 8, but now she just has to deal with living in a brand new house by herself that just had the door kicked in and was broken into. (And having no stuff since they either trashed or took EVERYTHING)

People like that SUCK.
if she needs i got an old sofa chair she can have. has a black cover on it but its confertable, as long as she's not alergic to cats. if she doesnt have a truck i can deliver it for free. only live prob 15 min from morningside area, as long as it's the one im thinking of by central.