Game Camera pics


Active Member
Jun 6, 2009
Americus, GA
I gave my parents a game camera for Christmas, so they could get some pictures of all the critters that wander through their property. I set the camera up overlooking a pile of fallen trees on the edge of the open pasture. I also put out a mineral block and some "C'mere Deer" and some shelled pecans.

In 4 days, the camera took over 100 pictures. Everything from fieldmice and stray cats to the stuff below. These are a few of my favorites.








The fourth pic down looks like the last time we camped on trail at URE and I got up to pee in the middle of the night.I must've shined my flashlight across 8 sets of eyes.I went ahead and held it until it was morning..........
Yeah, that pic is a little If that one deer wasn't visible it would be REALLY creepy.
I wanna get one of those cams and see what all my back yard and woods has creeping around back there.

Thats fascinating.
I wanna get one of those cams and see what all my back yard and woods has creeping around back there.
Thats fascinating.

get the oranges ready.
I might buy one just to know for sure that my dogs ain't barking at the moon and the wind all night...
VERY interesting. Nothing else, use it for security!
Dylan, Ive got one- but you cant use it cause u might see me peepin back at ya!!

edit, bust one of those foxes and skin it out/boil the head. theyre badass. Ive got one in my cleaning shed.
looks like u have a little fox problem might what to kill a few of those them and coyote can hurt the deer pop. Nice pics
hehe lighten up Francis...just yankin yer chain.

Just remember I sleep outside on the motto is if you can't see it,it ain't there.
Never heard of a fox bothering deer, but I know they'll run a turkey hen off her eggs. Another vote to shoot'em:D