Get your green on!


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
Out in the Middle
Recently the House passed the Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Tax Act. This bill is a great first step towards improving our environment, creating clean energy jobs and gaining energy independence.

This would be done by cutting government subsidies to the oil and gas industry and shifting them to renewable energy development. The oil and gas industry will get by -- ExxonMobil recently reported the largest quarterly profit for any corporation in American history.

These corporate giants are not in need of any more government handouts. This bill would allow renewable sources such as solar and wind power to get the funding they need and incentives would also be provided for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles that would help clean up pollution in our transportation sector.

Please tell your Senators that this bill needs to be passed. Our environment is too important to be ignored.

Please read and sign this petition we're going to take money away from oil companies at a time when gas is at its highest price? what do you think that is going to do to the cost of fuel? I've got news for ya. Big oil already spends the money that the dems propose stealing from them on developing renewable energy. THink about it.....they are in the ENERGY business dont you think the development of new energy is best left in the hands of profesionals?

Did you know that over the lifetime of a vehicle an H1 Alpha is better for the environment than a hybrid vehicle?

we would do better to shut the hell up about pollution and let the oil companies and car manufacturers do their jobs!!! we're going to take money away from oil companies at a time when gas is at its highest price? what do you think that is going to do to the cost of fuel? I've got news for ya. Big oil already spends the money that the dems propose stealing from them on developing renewable energy. THink about it.....they are in the ENERGY business dont you think the development of new energy is best left in the hands of profesionals?
Did you know that over the lifetime of a vehicle an H1 Alpha is better for the environment than a hybrid vehicle?
we would do better to shut the hell up about pollution and let the oil companies and car manufacturers do their jobs!!!

So lemme get this straight.
The oil companies want more than anyone to find a new source of energy and make all those expensive extracting rigs and refineries obsolete?

Sounds like saying look, the wolf likes to eat chickens, who better to guard the eggs?
lol, oil aint gonna last forever, the refineries are destined to be obsolete anyway. you think they are just sitting there twiddling their thumbs while that happens?

when the wolf eats all the chickens he starts hunting for kittens.
Chevron has spent 1 billion on renewable energy and BP has pledged to dump 500 million into its renewables projects.

lol, dont forget google plans to spend several hundred million in the alternative energy sector.

Point is, we have a free market society. If we let the private sector handle it things will be better and cheaper. How many $5000 hammers will the govt buy to build an alternative energy refinery!!!!!

There is BIG money in renewable energy you dont think that big ol wolf named exxon wants his teeth in that chicken?
Big oil already spends the money that the dems propose stealing from them on developing renewable energy.

Before you defend the Big oil companies too terribly much, go to some of their sites and download their annual reports. Check out the salary and bonus section for the Execs. D o you know how much these guys are making? I do, do you really think anyone is worth this much money for a salary? This doesn't include their retirement and only lists the Top Execs.

You're damn right, cut their gov't funding, incentives and write offs!
Chevron has spent 1 billion on renewable energy and BP has pledged to dump 500 million into its renewables projects.

drop in the bucket for these guys. There's a new plant going in in Canada to drill for oil. 7 Billion dollars. One place!

How many $5000 hammers will the govt buy to build an alternative energy refinery!!!!!

know why the Gov't spends $5000 on a hammer? Cause they make companies bid and project the job for the next 10 years. These companies have to plan ahead, they don't know what oil, steel, copper, Toilet paper is going to cost in ten years, so to make sure they cover their ass instead of loosing it, what do they do? Up the price.
if were letting the free market run its our course why are we providing any money to any industry ?

excellent question. dont give money away....and you dont have to take so much from me!!

im not defending the amount of money a CEO makes (its not really any of my business what percent someone gets to run a 40 billion dollar company). Im arguing that i dont want to have to wait in a long line for president Obama to issue my energy credits.
drop in the bucket for these guys. There's a new plant going in in Canada to drill for oil. 7 Billion dollars. One place!

theres a good point. the cost to extract oil from the ground is going up. That in turn narrows the profit margin. Why would a company want to continue in an area where the margins are getting smaller? why not invest in renewables.

i really dont want to defend big oil here. I just dont want to see them get hella taxed and move headquarters to china. They aleady pay $20 some billion in taxes. i forget what percent of the total amount collected by the irs is but big oil pays the majority already!

Lets hope they dont follow in chryslers footsteps!
^profit margins getting smaller, exxon has posted record profits every quarter for the last 2 years.....cost of extracting cant be too bad....Why does 80% of the oil drilled in alaska go to asia instead of stayin in the US when gas prices are so high??? The oil industry does not need any tax cuts, they need windfall taxes...
if margins are down but sales are way up then profit goes up.

JAPAN not asia (asia is the middle east, they aleady have all the oil, why would we send it there?) bought 80% of the oil EXPORTED in alaska, not 80 percent of the total drilled.

the amount of oil actually exported out of alaska has been cut in half in recent years.

Hey BigRed, not sure if you caught a post I made a few weeks back on Oil and Gas. not to argue any of your points, just some reading I thought you'd find interesting. Easier to copy and paste from my email than to search for the post:

From my Step Dad who is in charge of these refinery, drilling and other projects for the Big Oil companies:

Saudi Arabia has so much more oil than any other country that it is not even close. Actual reserve numbers for the big countries are shown below as reported by Oil and gas Journal which is an official industry publication, Total in the world is 1,317 Billion Barrels so Saudi has about 20% and the USA; including Alaska; has less than 2% .

Canada 179 Billion barrels
Mexico 12
USA 22
Brazil 12
Venezuela 80
Kazakhstan 30
Russia 60
Iran 136
Iraq 115
Kuwait 102
Qatar 15
Saudi 262
UAE 98
Algeria 13
Libya 42
Nigeria 36
China 16

As for pumping gas back into the ground in Alaska and for that matter, many other places in the world, that is very true but again it is not the whole story. The gas that is present in Alaska is called associated gas because it is mixed with the oil in the reservoir so when the oil is recovered we have to separate the gas from the oil and the gas is then pumped into the ground. There are several reasons that this has been the practice: (1) Pumping the gas back into the reservoir increases the well head pressure and makes it easier to extract the oil; (2) It is not a good idea to burn or flare the gas as this produces greenhouse gases; and (3) it has not been economical to recover the gas due to the remote location in "Prudhoe" bay which is on the North Slope of Alaska. Today with the price of gas so high, there is a project being planned called the Alaska gas Pipeline Project and we are tracking it. It would recover all the gas and bring 4.5 Billion cubic feet per day to the Lower 48 and is estimated to cost about $30 Billion. The Oil Companies ( ExxonMobil, bp, and ConocoPhillips) want to do the project but the State and Federal Governments from the USA and Canada are playing politics while we continue to pay more and more for gas.


There has not been a new refinery built in the US since the early 80's although there has been a lot of capacity increasing projects and other projects that make both gasoline and diesel more environmentally friendly. There are no new refineries planned as such but right now there are major expansions ;about 4; that will cost $2 to 3 Billion each. The demand in the US is greater than the refining capacity but not by much and the present round of expansions will pretty much bring us close to balance assuming growth continues.
The Refining business Digest reports" Gasoline stocks in the week to Jan.4 by an unexpected 5.3MM bbl to 213.1MM bbl, the highest in 10 months. Gasoline consumption is currently poor as is heating oil due to tepid temperatures". In short, the only problem we have are the liars trying to figure out a way to charge us more money for gasoline and diesel and fuel oil.

By the way, one thing I should have added to the Oil story is that the reserves figures quoted are proven reserves only and do not include undiscovered or un quantified reserves such as the "Oil Shale" in the western USA. These are estimated to be huge amounts but to date the technology is not developed to make the extraction of the Oil from the Coal shale economic but it will come just as recovery of oil from the deep waters (800 ft. down) of the Gulf of Mexico, Offshore Angola, and other areas was not feasible 10 years ago.
You know you all have a good point and only time will tell and our pockets will empty until we slip into a major recession because gas prices are so high and car manufacterers are still putting 5.9 L V8s in grocery getting 4x4's. I have been interested in this Ethenol fuel and was considering dropping an Ethenol V8 in my rig, but then I looked up how many pumps in Charlotte can cater to this idea.... the answer.. 1. This was last year i looked this up, i have dropped the idea since.
What i want to know is when are manufacturers going to stop "flirting" with the idea of alternative fuel and actually produce something we can use? I see all these Hybrids and Flex Fuel vehicles out now, but no Ethenol or alternative fuel cars. Hybrids and Flex Fuel are still running off gas, just not so much. We need to scrap the idea of gas seeing as it is a fossil fuel and will not replinish.
We could switch to Hydrogen, but I dont feel safe with the idea of a highly volitile, odorless gas in my vehicle. It would be a moving roadside bomb!
The "green" fuels that we are coming up with today are not as "green" and "renewable" as we are all led to belive. I don't know the numbers nor can I find anything to back my statments but just think of the emmisions and cost to produce these fuels.
thats the only thing I can find right now
we need to dig deep and get the true numbers before we jump on any bandwaggon
if were letting the free market run its our course why are we providing any money to any industry ?

Hello fellow free market economist.
we need to dig deep and get the true numbers before we jump on any bandwaggon

excellent way to put things. I did not post in this thread with intention of defending big oil. Just wanted everyone to know what that bill really meant.

lol, no i dont own stock but wish i had bought some 10 years ago!
If you want cheap gas ask your Senator why there is a 45% Tarriff on Brazillian ethanol. sugar cane has 5 times the BTU production per acre than corn.
But Iowa is first in the primary season and grows guess what kids?
Fawking corn:rolleyes:
excellent way to put things. I did not post in this thread with intention of defending big oil. Just wanted everyone to know what that bill really meant.
lol, no i dont own stock but wish i had bought some 10 years ago!

If ANYONE posting in this thread slamming Big Oil please go and sell all of your 401K funds. Put your money where your mouth is because I am almost certian you are profiting as well.

If you do not contribute to your 401k or any mutual funds, fire away.:shaking:
my wife does bio tech stuff, so im always asking questions.. The current corn based ethenol isn't very efficient in that the net return isn't good, and it uses potential food crops etc.. BUT it is a first step. The end product 'entenol' can be derived from many sources. Brazil is using sugar cane (their largest crop) and there is a race by everyone to work out the celulous based products that would include the stalk, grasses, (i suggested Kudzu) to all make 'ethanol' The process will improve to the point where it is green. There are even articles on using sea alge and junk to make boi-mass reactors to spit out ethanol. The reason ethanol is being sought out is the are the most compatible for the cars on the road today.

As far as a plug in not being green, it is. Its cheaper for you to charge at home and pay that price, vs burning fuel to make power. As the battery technologies improve, this will only get better...

Hell I just keep thinking back to 'back to the future' when he has a mini reactor device to run the car, and fuels it with trash..

You guys cry that its not perfect 'yet', look how old the oil industry is and the continual improvements they have made.
Point is, we have a free market society. If we let the private sector handle it things will be better and cheaper.

Exactly the is why the gov needs to get out of the oil business.

We really do not pay alot for gas at $3:15 per gallon
Europe is way over $6.00 per gal

3.15 still sucks though

I think the problem is that people complain about the price and want alternative fuels but the cost of these fuels may not be cheaper than the dino Stuff. IF I took my hourly rate at work times the number of hours I take to filter and Collect my WVO it would cost me more than buying it at the pump
Get your Green

you must have oil stock :)

I've got oil stock. The stock has been good for me since I bought it when working for Phillips66. It's split once in the last few years and then the dividends came back up to the original amount. I'd have to do some math to see if the increases in value offset the cost of my gas. I doubt it works in my favor. The sad thing was in the consolidation the industry went through the folks I worked with got their pay and benefits cut. By cut I mean the lost low cost health insurance, stock sharing plan and about 30% of there wages. Most of the folks I worked with left the new company.