Getting a refund on a Postal M/O?


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
Is it possible? I am sure it is probably not, just figured I'd ask.

Sent someone a M/O and they decided not so give me what I paid for I don't guess... I still have receipts for the M/O, but the PO charges $5 to do a M/O "trace". Not sure what good that would do me other than telling me it has been cashed (which I assume it has), doubt they would refund the money, correct?
I had a MF in Vermont decide to move and not send me something I purchased using a USPS MO. So, I went to the US Gov Postal Service web site and filled out their fraud form. Amazing, about a month later I got an email from him indicating that the parts had been shipped.

Now, did the local Post Master in his area help me out....who knows but I suspect that was the case since he, the dik, kept the same PO box but physically moved. It was a small town.

As suggested, engage the local (where the dude lives) Post Master and I suspect he can help. May want to fill out compliant form on USPS web site. Fed fraud can get you serious jail time.
