Why 6.2-6.5's got a bad rep is beyond me, slow, maybe, but cheap to work on, and last forever if cared for, good fuel mileage. and one of my favorite reasons, injectors are outside the valve cover, how archaic.
slow, yes, by todays standards.
cheap to work on, yes IF you can do the work yourself.
Care and feeding, many owners expected to treat them like OTR semi's, 10k+ oil changes, even longer on fuel and air filter service's.
They have a history of head gasket failure's ( some that would destroy the block) as well as head cracking issues ( which is somewhat paranoia, they crack between the valve seats, an issue if the seat is also cracked, other wise, no problem, reassembled many like this, never an issue) Much of the head and gasket problems were owner inflicted by the OVER use of starting fluid when the injection pump crapped out attempting to start the engine.
there was a year they had some poor block castings, causing " block porosity" where coolant would seep thru the block into the oil, yep, thats bad, wipes out the bearings, but was also warrantied if it happened in a reasonable amount of time (not advertised)
I like the 6.5TD, it's quiet, powerful enough for anything I'd need to do, and, san's the Stanadyne DS4 injection pump is actually pretty damn reliable. Gimma a '93 with a DB2 and I'd be all over it.