Good Chevy 350 Tech


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
@ Your Mailbox
I am no engine builder but we just put new aluminum heads and cam in the 350 I have and it runs awesome but doesnt want to idle great. May just need a higher stall converter and turn up the idle, but i would like to keep it as tame as possible (meaning not crazy ass loud). Any thoughts or people yall know? BTW i still need to drain the gas and start running higher octain but i doubt it would make THAT much of a difference...but maybe.
What kind of cam specs? What size carb? Bigger valves in the heads? Whaere's your timing at?
it will take a few runs for the TBI computer to learn the new setup on the motor. If it computer is still running the old set-up it may not be dumping enough fuel????

Transmission should have anything to do with it....unless it is not allowing slip at idle...doesnt sound like your problem, but what do i know.

Just a idea....i could very well be wrong. i am sure there is someone here that knows more about chevy tbi than me. Good luck.

(should have just bough a ls1 and been done with it:flipoff2:)

You really need to tune that map in your computer. the engine has no idea how much air you're pulling through it, and it is trying to go based off a pressure sensor (bigger cams screw with it bad, and good airflow may not show up either), and the narrowband oxygen sensors...

As a result, it's chasing its tail trying to keep the damn thing running.

Get it tuned and it can purr... and idle at 700rpm.
With that new chip from Howell in there Sam you may need to call them and ask some questions. If you want I know of a pretty good GM tuner in the Charlotte area that can custom burn you a chip if you wanted to dynotune the buggy. Innovative makes a nice wideband o2 setup that would be good to invest in. It makes the reading and metering a lot more accurate.