Grease conversion on a '92 CTD


More info on FPHE
What's the name of this stuff ? I will be making a hatch way for my jeep gas tank and hadn't really thought about what i was gonna seal it up with.....

I think it's permatex "2" - I used it on my old poly fuel tank and it never eroded.
Well after a year of doing other projects I have started back on this one..

here is end of tank welded and tapped
also shows the filler cap I will be using.. found it at Agri Supply

Next we put it under the truck to test fit it..

from a distance with less light you can see that most people will never even notice it :)

I am now waiting on my fuel sending unit to arrive.. once I get that I can install that and then put tank back up in truck..
we also made the mounts already so now it is just a wait on parts..

this tank will hold right at 50gallons
hum peer presure LOL
Looks good

nah more of why have I not just finished it over the last year.. just dumb on my part.. oh well it wil be done soon..
Would you mind describing how everything will be plumbed, valved, heated, etc. through the entire circuit/system?

I too have been sidetracked on a few other "projects" and need to return to getting mine done...
Would you mind describing how everything will be plumbed, valved, heated, etc. through the entire circuit/system?
I too have been sidetracked on a few other "projects" and need to return to getting mine done...

i will list and post pics when i run the lines so you can see and understand better..

if i get the sending unit this week ( which i should ) then this weekedn I hope to get it installed and tank in truck..

once tank is in I will be runing lines to front and if i have time I will connect it into the Pollack valve I have then into fuel lines

I was planning to reuse my existing Pollack (unknown age), but it's stuck (on the empty tank :rolleyes: ) a few times & is bleeding diesel out the electrical plug socket... so will likely go with a couple new Hydraforce 3way hydraulic valves to operate the feed & returns independently...

Still unsure of the exact flow/path at this point, but will likely get a GDP "Big Line kit" (24V) to remove all the hard lines post LP/filter so the grease can be fed directly to the IP (leaving the #2 system intact for redundancy) and make it easier to plumb in various gauges (pressure & temp) pre-IP... Planning to run a HotFox in the tank to a Vormax/other heat filter to the existing tranny "HE" to the valves for now.

What filter setup did you get?
I was planning to reuse my existing Pollack (unknown age), but it's stuck (on the empty tank :rolleyes: ) a few times & is bleeding diesel out the electrical plug socket... so will likely go with a couple new Hydraforce 3way hydraulic valves to operate the feed & returns independently...
Still unsure of the exact flow/path at this point, but will likely get a GDP "Big Line kit" (24V) to remove all the hard lines post LP/filter so the grease can be fed directly to the IP (leaving the #2 system intact for redundancy) and make it easier to plumb in various gauges (pressure & temp) pre-IP... Planning to run a HotFox in the tank to a Vormax/other heat filter to the existing tranny "HE" to the valves for now.
What filter setup did you get?

no filter for now..

I will be adding one in future but I plan to start running BIO First to get setup working currectly then switch to WVO and I will add a filter at that time..
Found some HOH at GFS... $9.00/foot :eek:
Will likely bundle fuel hose with coolant hoses, insulate them, and call it good!

i will get ya a pic of my hoses, etc in a day or so