Have you had a bad NC4x4 For Sale transaction ?


Better Faster Stronger
Mar 17, 2005
N. N. Raleigh, NC
Have you had a bad NC4x4 For Sale transaction ?

I have been made aware of 2 sepereate FS tansactions that have not ended well or are still pending payment or reciept of the item... While were not here to baby sit everyone. We do hope that people arn't ripping each other off.. Since I help MOD the FS section, I was shocked to hear that this is happening and I was curious as to how wide spread this was.

I'd like to hear from anyone that has had a bad transaction from the NC4x4 site. A bad transaction as far as this thread goes is one in which you did NOT recieve 100% payment or you did NOT recieve the item at all. Also if you felt you were completly ripped off please post up.

NO second or third hand accounts. Only facts from the seller and/or the buyer. You should include any ways in which you have attempted to resolve the issue. Please PM if you dont wish to post here..

FS section MOD
I sold a set of tires to Jeepster90 on this board and he paid me $75 in cash and wrote me a check for $160 and the check bounced. I have gave him the tires at the time of payment, and he has since sold the jeep. He keeps making excuses as to why he hasn't made payment. He claims to have sent 2 money orders both of which mysteriously got lost in the mail. Then he said he would paypal me, but his acct was locked up or something. So I am missing the remaining payment+$5 they charged me for a bounced check.

He claims he is going to pay me but It has been weeks.

My bank account got closed after i had wrote the check, i will be taking care of this matter asap, i owed vaughn for the wheels, and i have now paid him, now i am going to pay tim88xj via paypal, my paypal account was locked because the guy who bought my jeep says it broke down with him on the way home to michigan, (vehicles break) and he tried to get some of his deposit back and filed a complaint with paypal, so it is finally unlocked. I was not trying to scam or rip anyone off, the two members i owe have been very patient with me and i greatly appreciate there patience.
I appreciate the input from others. The specific point of this thread is to see if people have had PROBLEMS with a transaction. As a MOD we all take it seriously when problems happen. I understand there are many great people on nc4x4 and most have smooth deals with no issues.. Some even go above and beyond.

We are attempting to gather information on how much of a problem (IF ANY) exists and if there is anything that can be done about it.

Those messages that are already posted are exactly what Im interested in seeing.

I'm glad to see so many suggestion on ways to NOT get ripped off, I will start a new thead tomarrow to focus on JUST that and then add them to the FS section at a later date.

Thanks for your understanding...
Yeah I sold the tires in early July, the check came back to me as bounced july 23 or so. Jeepster90 said most recently he would pay me via paypal monday or tuesday at the latest of this week. Guess what... Its now wednesday and no money nor any sign of contact for the day....

Where the hell is my money Jeepster90?

i have had the same problem with a bounced check, i wasent a transaction done on the board. But i had to wait like 5 months i know you are frustrated just be patient with me on this.
I am asking for help from the message board here. Jeepster90 is now saying he doesn't have the money to pay me. He sold his jeep to a guy with MY tires on it and now doesn't have $170 to pay me... He keeps making up shitty excuses.

I dont care if you have been screwed by a bad check jeepster90, if anything thats all the more reason you shouldn't screw someone else. That in no way rationalizes what you did. You NEED to do what it takes to make things right and pay me. Or atleast use creditcards to buy things you can't afford instead of making me pay for it.

If anyone OTHER than Jeepster90 has any suggestions I would greatly appriciate it. I spent his money as soon as I deposited the check only to find out it was bad. So I need to get it back.

oh and BTW, all posts have been archived so deleting info is pointless.

There is a thing called the courthouse and they don't take bad checks lightly, at least they don't around here. They send a Sheriff out to find you to order you to court (don't know the exact reasons why)
