hello america, it's detroit!


Aug 18, 2008
So I have a question for everyone. Why is the Detroit "bailout" being called a bailout everywhere, and not a loan? The Detroit deal is going to be a VERY structured loan, that basically lets some "Car Czar" tell the companies that touch it what they can do, how much to pay management, etc etc. (Not how to redo union pushed labor costs)
The banks got billions, NOT as a loan, just to "get credit flowing" and then more, and then they are going to be able to sell off any and all known bad loans so they won't take the hit on them, but that didn't have the same outcry?
Giving a bridge loan to Detroit= ok. (Not really, gov't should stay the hell out, but bankruptcy should allow GM etc to restructure their labor contracts and pension plans)
Giving free money to bankers = Stupid.
I understand the loan part. The govment is still "bailing out" thus the reason for the name. I dont see them ever paying back a loan. It will fall back on the people one way or the other.
FWIW Ford will not bee taking any gov't money and all upper management are foregoing bonus and cutting salries for next year...