help a brother out


Active Member
Aug 14, 2005
Been a member for 2 months and still don't know how to post pictures. Built a new rig , did some crazy wheeling this weekend, got some really good pics and want to show them off. I'm kinda computer remedial so, HELP A BROTHER OUT MAN!!!!!!!!!!!
Chip in $3.50/year to help pay the bills, and you can upload them straight to the board.
saf-t scissors said:
Chip in $3.50/year to help pay the bills, and you can upload them straight to the board.

can I pay half of that amount since only half of my pictures are legal for this board?

but seriously, pick a photo hosting sight...upload the pictures. right click the picture, go to properties , and copy the URL address. then proceed to this board, make a new thread in the picture section.. and paste the link inside of "img tags" which is
then watch as our wonderful judges nicks, picks and pokes at your picture, ultimately leading to at least half of all the pictures falling out of the legal status.

But there is good news!!! if all of your pictures pass the judges requirements then you will get an all expensed paid trip to Good Boy University! atlas that means less dates for you with real women.....but at least you have the right to hang out with leaders of this board. who needs a date with a super model when you got that!

:D I'm sure to get flamed for this....but who cares :jump:
purpleTJchick said:
can I pay half of that amount since only half of my pictures are legal for this board?

but seriously, pick a photo hosting sight...upload the pictures. right click the picture, go to properties , and copy the URL address. then proceed to this board, make a new thread in the picture section.. and paste the link inside of "img tags" which is
then watch as our wonderful judges nicks, picks and pokes at your picture, ultimately leading to at least half of all the pictures falling out of the legal status.

But there is good news!!! if all of your pictures pass the judges requirements then you will get an all expensed paid trip to Good Boy University! atlas that means less dates for you with real women.....but at least you have the right to hang out with leaders of this board. who needs a date with a super model when you got that!

:D I'm sure to get flamed for this....but who cares :jump:

Git' em!!!
saf-t scissors said:
Chip in $3.50/year to help pay the bills, and you can upload them straight to the board.

Okay aparently I'm an idiot., haven't figured this out...
I'd like to chip in my part, pics option or not... how do I do this? I'll just skip lunch tomorrow.
purpleTJchick said:
But there is good news!!! if all of your pictures pass the judges requirements then you will get an all expensed paid trip to Good Boy University! atlas that means less dates for you with real women.....but at least you have the right to hang out with leaders of this board. who needs a date with a super model when you got that!

Some People Just Don't Get it :stupid:
purpleTJchick said:
can I pay half of that amount since only half of my pictures are legal for this board?

but seriously, pick a photo hosting sight...upload the pictures. right click the picture, go to properties , and copy the URL address. then proceed to this board, make a new thread in the picture section.. and paste the link inside of "img tags" which is
then watch as our wonderful judges nicks, picks and pokes at your picture, ultimately leading to at least half of all the pictures falling out of the legal status.

But there is good news!!! if all of your pictures pass the judges requirements then you will get an all expensed paid trip to Good Boy University! atlas that means less dates for you with real women.....but at least you have the right to hang out with leaders of this board. who needs a date with a super model when you got that!

:D I'm sure to get flamed for this....but who cares :jump:

lulu is that you? if so i :heart: you