help in greensboro with a 4 inch lift for a 97 TJ


New Member
Jun 9, 2010
I recently purchased a 4 inch suspension lift for my 97 tj , and a set of 33 inch wild country 12.50 tires mounted to 15 by 8 in wheels, am looking for a place that will install it with out charging and arm , or someone who wouldn't mind helping me out with this project i can travel and will come bearing money and beer would really prefer to install it so i can get the experience on working on this particular project and fixing any problems ND I ALSO HAVE A SKYJACKER STEERING STABILIZER.
my cell is 336 676 2930 and i will be checking back in on this site
Welcome to the board. There are several ppl on the board from GSO that can help you. Not to mention, who doesn't like beer and money? I'm just sayin!
Like this guy already... Welcome to the board. Where abouts in Gboro you from?



is that a 4 cylinder? if so hows it run on the 33's

I have a 2.5L on 35s and its ok around town. But the interstate is a different story. 5th gear is unusable. Does good on the trail, but only in 4lo. 4 High is unusable. I am still using stock gears, I plan to gear it to the hilt. If its a DD and you go to a 33 I would look in to gears for it.
Yeah he's loving the lift on his jeep. If anyone else needs some help let me know! Later! Noah:beer:
Ha ha. I have some friends who work for Beer too.
I'll be calling them when I get the 4.5" long arm kit for the JK Rubicon I am picking up tomorrow. They are also helping build a custom bumper and tire carrier that won't cost $700.