help with a 7.3


Active Member
Nov 22, 2007
lexington nc
i want to be able to roll coal out of my stacks and before anyone starts i know thats wasted power. i dont want to piss off old women on the highway just be able to look in the mirror and see it. i have a 2003 7.3 bd 6 position chip automatic with shift kit installed so truck runs great. dont really need anymore power just smoke. if anyone knows a cheap way to do this please let me know but i am not doing anything to hurt the truck like spray paint the air filter or a boost fooler this truck needs to last me a long time. thanks for the help.
as far as i know, nothing on my truck has been hurt by my boost fooler....and it actually keeps my smoke rollin in the higher rpms now, and i only have a superchips set on tow perf, which is around 75hp i think
Another 7.3 with a Boost fooler here. No issues that I can tell. Its nice not throwing CEL lights every time the boost goes up. Mine is the one that Advance Diesel sells. Got it when I got my TSPerformance 6 Position Chip. The truck does smoke a bit now but nothing excessive.
mine came from sinister deisel, but without a dought for only $40 it was one of the best things i ever bought for my truck