How are the roads?


Knower of useless ZJ things
Sep 24, 2008
My Step Dad slid off the road in his neighbourhood. Descending a steep hill, he turned right, but the car decided to go straight... off the road downhill through the woods. Ended up totalling the car. He was fine until he was trying to get out and the door slipped and smashed his finger breaking it.

He Walked home and came back the next day to get pictures. I of course took the opportunity to informed him that "You Can't Park There!"


Hell yea I about slid off the road today on salt

We have a yards and grounds crew at work that takes care of clearing snow and spreading salt inside the plant and in the parking lots. Right now the steps and sidewalk inside the turnstile I go in at has a solid 1/2” thick layer of salt on it. You can barely walk on it. The steps and sidewalk are completely covered with a roof. :laughing:
We have a yards and grounds crew at work that takes care of clearing snow and spreading salt inside the plant and in the parking lots. Right now the steps and sidewalk inside the turnstile I go in at has a solid 1/2” thick layer of salt on it. You can barely walk on it. The steps and sidewalk are completely covered with a roof. :laughing:
My plant tried some new kind of salt last week. The salt was like walking on small ball bearings, I’m surprised someone didn’t fall because of the salt. So then they went to Lowe’s and bought several pallets of the normal ice melt stuff.
My plant tried some new kind of salt last week. The salt was like walking on small ball bearings, I’m surprised someone didn’t fall because of the salt. So then they went to Lowe’s and bought several pallets of the normal ice melt stuff.

Probably the same stuff ours uses. :laughing: I can’t remember the name, but the label on the bags is black and green. It’s harder to walk on than the ice itself.
I was on the snow crew with my last job...two plows with spreaders on one & a tractor. We'd blow through 5-6 pallets each normal event. Starting @ 3 am, all for one or two customers @ 10-12.