How to make a grown man cry .....


Samurai Frogger
Mar 21, 2005
Stokes Co. NC
Give him a good , old-fashioned UTI!
This thing has been kicking my balls ( pun intended ) for almost 2 weeks!
It started out Friday morning feeling bad and running a slight temp, by Sunday it was hurting all over and 104*.
Called the weekend on duty nurse .... "you need to be seen within the next 3-4 hours!"
The UTI had made it into my prostate ..... so I have a UTI w/ Prostatitus. It's well on it's way to becoming septic.
One big antibiotic shot and a course of pills .... If you don't feel better by this time tomorrow, go the the ER.
I felt better, but it's been slow going since then.
I haven't been on the computer until today ( since Friday ) and havent been on ham radio even longer.
Thats what happens when your wife finally lets you stick it in her butt, but have poor clean up protocols afterwards :flipoff2:

Seriously tho, hope you recover quick. 3 tbp of authentic cranberry juice per qt of water, and 3 qts of water a day can really help clear up UTI, kidney, bladder, and other such infections. And stay away from sweets and do low carb for a short. Spiking your glucose regularly will prolong the inflammation
After a Dr. visit after _every_🤬_trail ride_, a random PA finally correctly diagnosed mine (as prostatitis vs UTI)... seems it plagues some guys riding bicycles (specifically her 2 older brothers)
I swapped the shitty GM/Toy critter car takeouts for Corbeaus and have had no issues since...
Ha. It has happend to me a few times over the years. I was prob 19 and thought my GF gave me an STD. The q-tip up your p hole at the health department is a traumatic experience. No std…..just a uti.