hp d44 axle seals

offroadin 88xj

Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
Has anybody used the ten factory outer axle tube seals I'm regearing my ford Dana 44 and was looking for something to keep as much mud and dirt out of there are they worth the money how well do they work
I had a set on my HP Dana 30. Gave them a shot of grease before a wheeling trip then if I had been in water/mud I would pump them a couple extra times to push out the gunk. Regular service though I would give them a shot or two when I did an oil change. about every 6-9 months I would pop them out an make sure i wasnt getting too much grease build up inside the tube ( never really did ) I loved them and think they are well worth the $$
I think they've (several companies make them, I think) started making them for several different axles. I know my buddy has some on a Dana 60 and likes them quite a bit. I would think they would help the inner diff seals last a lot longer.