Hunting on public land


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2010
North Carolina
Feel free to move this to land use if more appropriate.

So I grew up hunting but it was always on my family's private land. I no longer have access to that, but would like to get back into it and get my son into it too. Anyone seasoned with public land hunting that could give me any pointers? Curious as to offseason scouting dos and donts, carrying concealed during scouting, acceptable sharing of the land with other hunters, and not getting shot while doing so. Obviously blaze orange is a must. Is field dressing at spot of kill acceptable or do other nearby hunters get pissy if your shot and noise mess up their chances? Any recommended game lands that get little traffic? I'm in Gaston county but don't mind driving a bit further to improve my chances and experience. Mainly deer is the focus of the above but also small game, dove, coyote, and turkey.
You can scout anytime in season or out, but beware of other seasons and the possibility of other hunters. You can carry concealed at any time on gamelands. Public is public, legally can setup on the backside of someone else's tree... But realistically common sense goes a long way. If the gameland isn't very big and someone is already at the parking lot, I just roll on unless I can talk to them and work together. Field dressing is acceptable, but be respectful. Don't leave a gut pile in a prime spot if you can help it. For game that is open season, you can only hunt it when another season is open and you must use the appropriate weapon for that season. Some people get pissy, they'll get over it.

As for what's available, this map is is great. NCWRC Game Lands I've hunted on yadkin river/alcoa, Perkins, Mitchell River, uwharrie, kerr scott, Thurmond Chatham, and Nantahala. Happy to show you around if any of those are an option for you. Can go scout or meet up in season, whatever works for you.

My biggest tip is hunt the hunters. Go where the other folks aren't. I've honestly had the most success on a couple of 25 acre tracts that aren't well known.