hydro steering problem


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2005
On your mom in Winston Salem NC
I've got a single ended ram, believe 2", psc pump, dont know what kind of orbital, anyway, sometimes, randomly really, I will turn the orbital and nothing happens, then all the sudden it starts working. Happens sometimes when cold and sometimes when hot. When I changed the fluid last time, we filled everything up, filled the reservoir and left the cap off, moved the steering back and forth and got all the bubbles out. Does it sound like air pocket or is something going out. Thanks
contact Tri-Power in mocksville.

they build hydro set ups for farm and industrial equipt. if no on on here helps, im sure they can.
what is the cu. of the oribital?

What is the flow of your pump?

Have you checked your pressures?

does the pump whine=are you sure all the air is out?