I got ripped off!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
Fairfax City, VA
Headin home from my lake house today (hey if im going to be unemployed I might as well have fun) I flipped to the rear tank on my truck which I had just filled last week, well guess what? NO FUEL!! Someone syphoned my tank! I mean I dont live anywhere near a bad area in Raleigh and the only other diesel around me is some frat dude who im sure isn't hurtin for fuel money. I hope some punk has a tank full of diesel in their honda. uuuuggghhh im pissed!!
Sorry for your loss....
but that is pretty impressive.
How does one make off w/ a whole truck tank of fuel? It's not like you can carry it.
I can only figure it'd take a truck w/ an empty tank of it's own, but it'd have to be short enough to let gravity work it's magic

Unf as the cost of fuel goes up, this will probably become more common.
Gonna have to start locking the fuel door, just like blocking the catalytic converter
keep your trucks on empty. that'll fix it or put A padlock on the cap.
The return of lackable gas caps...

Are you SURE you didnt just forget?
Im fairly sure, I always fill the rear tank first and run the front tank dry first. of course the one time a pay cash for fuel something like this happens.