Idea to help keep trails cleaner....


YHDG's adopted son!!!
Jun 19, 2007
high point
I have had an idea in my head for a while now and after the guys doing the rock and tree clean up decided it may be the time to throw it out there. Heres my idea.. Doing a "statue" or art from broken parts, kind of like a smokey the bear at lets say the double parking lot. This could be a place that a couple of recycling bins be placed for cans and maybe a trash can and a place for hopefully the younger guys throw there broken parts as a bragging right rather than leave on the trail as they do now....

As the momument gets full of parts, simply clean up on a clean up day(as hopefully it is one central location rather than all over the trails) and recycle the cans and metal to raise funds for the FOU trail maintance. There again if it gets 10 pieces off the trail I would see it as a huge plus! What do others think of this???
No objection to your idea; just seems weather it's the Trails, River, or anywhere, the problem is the one's that can pack it in [FULL], but wont pack it out [empty]!:sniper:
No objection to your idea; just seems weather it's the Trails, River, or anywhere, the problem is the one's that can pack it in [FULL], but wont pack it out [empty]!:sniper:
Yeap but use this to educate... Like this is what the volunters picked up last month kinda of thing to help drive home this point you make!!!
I have been saying they needed recyling system out there for a long time now.
I have plenty of ideas of stuff but this is not the garage. For your idea to work we would need to have a bit of land cleared out there for this to be in place and not to be an eye sore to the hikers / other enthusiasts. When i say a bit i mean just a little plot like 50 by 50 foot. Come to the meeting on the 15th man.
I have plenty of ideas of stuff but this is not the garage. For your idea to work we would need to have a bit of land cleared out there for this to be in place and not to be an eye sore to the hikers / other enthusiasts. When i say a bit i mean just a little plot like 50 by 50 foot. Come to the meeting on the 15th man.
Will do... Also possibly have a line on recyle center cantainers if we can/ want to do this...
I am all for having to clean up less stuff on the trails. But got to think about this also. Alot of the stuff i just picked up last week while i was there was Quad stuff like fenders / googles / and the likes. And plenty of Bud light cans along with some type of Lime drink with Achohol in it. WTH over ?
Go up during the week. Got alot of guys from Bragg here going up for a reason or 2.

I just would not want to loose some of the parking lot we have for this. It gets tight enough as it is.
Any the broken part "memorial" could be scrapped at the end of the year to help raise money for the trail. Start a new one each year.
Seperate cans and theres more money. Not just recylcing, but raising money also. We got to keep trails clean to be able to wheel. We have lost tellico and caliaenta (sp) (this one was a diff reason i believe). Just a little effort will help alot!!!
Talked to Brad from north davidson( i think that is the name of his business) has offered up cans that could be used! Like was posted inhere i would like to see a 40x40 or 50x50 section opened up at the double lot below where the hotdog cart norm is. We could use the same split rail or use area correct vegation to disguse the area as an eye sore....
I usually can get 55 gallon drums from work. But they now mostly filled with oil n nasty crap. If i had a place to dispose of that, i could get as many as needed
I usually can get 55 gallon drums from work. But they now mostly filled with oil n nasty crap. If i had a place to dispose of that, i could get as many as needed
That would work but brads are the real cans wich might look better or more organized maybe???
For the can to make it easier to haul maybe have a trailer that has chain link side and top. The fire department here has one, the only issue I see is people stealing cans or putting things in there that there not suppose to. I like the idea though, what about bear proof trash cans at the top of kodak and a few other places. Granted you then would have to travel to get it but i'm sure theres some clubs that would volunteer or if any other people would.
I think it's a great idea and will be glad to help as it progresses but I think that the main reason idiots throw beer cans on the trail is to keep away from having self incrimination (proof of how many they've had) so the abusers will still litter but the do-gooders may bring in the cans
I'd think the best bet is drive up recycling and trash cans that can be accessed without getting out of the vehicle. You're already fighting a battle with lazy people. Play to win.
Good idea, but I dont think they'll be much metal at the end of the season to sale for scrap. I am sure someone will steal the metal and sale it for crack money. But least the recptacles will be eptied free of charge.