I'm not sure I'm surprised....

“What’s going to happen is instead of keep paying my mortgage, I’m going to take my money and not pay my mortgage because I’m being harassed,” said Harper.

Somehow, i don't think that a Judge would consider this harassment. I really get pissed of reading about stuff like this, these people do nothing but display immense stupidity and a complete lack of graciousness, and at the same time act "entitled" to not have to pay back a mortgage? Who taught them this? How do they think the world works?
That pisses me off to no extent. These MFers are PRACTICALLY given something (i.e. a $450,000 home) and they think that now they don't "OWE" anybody? WTF can't good stuff happen to people that really deserve it or at least would appreciate it.?
mortgage or no mortgage, I always wondered how these "hard up" people afforded the utilities and maintenance that comes with these houses they build. I know of Big houses like these that have power bills that are bigger than my mortgage. I don't see many of them being able to stay in the houses that long. But to say, "I'm not gonna pay..." damn... no wonder they were hard up in the first place.
mortgage or no mortgage, I always wondered how these "hard up" people afforded the utilities and maintenance that comes with these houses they build. I know of Big houses like these that have power bills that are bigger than my mortgage. I don't see many of them being able to stay in the houses that long. But to say, "I'm not gonna pay..." damn... no wonder they were hard up in the first place.

I think where this comes in is the $100,000 that it says Beazer homes GAVE them in addition to paying off their old house and giving them this new one.

Anyone with a lick of sense could use that to pay the bills from now until forever. Just adding to my list of why I don't like these people.
“What’s going to happen is instead of keep paying my mortgage, I’m going to take my money and not pay my mortgage because I’m being harassed,” said Harper.

Yeah that summed up their stupidity in that statement. Keep paying their Mortgage?!?! Their 1st mortgage was paid off. Then they got an exta 100k spending cash.. But then to take out another mortgage @ $450k (more than their home) to put into an already lucrative business was idiodic! Then to default on that by not paying is even worse. You signed a contract people! They can "harrass" all they want, they want their money!

I just want to knock on the door of these peoples house and smack em all!
what she actually said if you watch the video:

“What’s going to happen is instead of keep paying my mortgage, I’m going to take my money and move, because I’m being harassed,” said Harper.

what a worthless piece of shit..

they gave you a house, they gave your kids scholarships to college, they gave you $100,000 and you still can not survive..

the worst part is we the folks that make our monthly payments end up paying for her defualt loans..

they did say 1st weekend in Aug house is up for sale.. hmm maybe I need to drive to GA :)
“What’s going to happen is instead of keep paying my mortgage, I’m going to take my money and not pay my mortgage because I’m being harassed,” said Harper.
Yeah that summed up their stupidity in that statement. Keep paying their Mortgage?!?! Their 1st mortgage was paid off. Then they got an exta 100k spending cash.. But then to take out another mortgage @ $450k (more than their home) to put into an already lucrative business was idiodic! Then to default on that by not paying is even worse. You signed a contract people! They can "harrass" all they want, they want their money!
I just want to knock on the door of these peoples house and smack em all!

Well, their business obviously wasn't "lucrative" since they were having financial issues before the big house overhaul. Now they've "invested" 450k !!!! into this business but can't even scrap up the mortgage payments each month?

The whole situation is incredible.
And this, folks is why welfare doesn't work! They think they're entitled to things they didn't earn and they think they are owed everything!
They're greedy. fuck 'em.

Just pathetic.
Ok I'm just going to play Devil's Advocate, just to stir the pot a little.

Read the article carefully, or better yet, read some others that provide more details.
The problem here is not that they didn't pay the mortgage or just wasted all the money given to them. Rather, the original mortgage was actually paid already, and a fund setup to help covert he utilities etc. That isn't the problem.
What's happened is that they took a second mortgage, a loan, to get cash to cover a a business investment. Because they had the house as an asset, they coudl use it as backin gfor teh loan. Well, the investment didn't pan out - so now they're havin ga hard time paying back the loan taken. hadt he investment paid out as expected, that wouldn't happen and everything would be hunky-dory...

Hundred of thousands of people make risky investments every year, and many (most?) use their home for the collateral. This isn't any different. I know damn well a large number of people on this very board have their own businesses and have had to do similar things... and also a handful at least that have had them crash on them. That's the risk you take.

I say, props to them for taking advantage of the opportunity they had, and using the house to try and make things better for themselves. The folks in these situations have 2 choices: (1) - keep doing as they were before the Extreme Makeover ordeal, or (2) take the opportunity given them and make the most of it, and run with it.
Soudns to me like they took Door #2.

all I'm saying is, i'm not throwing stones until I see proof thatt he money was just plain wasted. If you want to criticise, fine - but keep in mind the logic follows for ANYBODY who has used theiir home for collateral for an investment.

Now, where I WOULD criticise 'em is for takeing such a HUGe risk on it - who knows what the market value of that place is, but I'd have at most kep the loan to about 1/4 of it (instead of close to max) just in case of dire results. That's just poor financial planning.
