INDY WILL in Petersen's 4WOR


Not a new member
Oct 22, 2005
Sure does look like his rig with the cover shot on page 54 about the bombproof rigs of the Hammers!
What issue is this? We just went to the store but it wasn't in that one.

What's on the cover of the mag?

Thanks for the heads up.
My issue says it's the July 09.
It has a red k5 with boggers and a black vinyl top,on the front page, with a headline that reads ''Where to wheel''.

Looks like you'r on page 54. Way to go, Will!
I think I saw his rig a couple of times on extreme 4x4 this weekend. Next week they will have more in depth KOH stuff
Father's day Extreme 4x4 had some coverage of KOH, the last clip they showed was Will.

yup saw that also.

FYI.. next weekend is a 30 minute episode just on KOH.. hope someone tapes it and gets it online for all those competitors