Interesting truck...van?


Sep 28, 2009
Concord, NC
The rear tires were actually way off camber. Apparently doesn't have a rear axle, but instead has some type of independent suspension. I couldn't get to the front of it to grab any shots, but it didn't look like it was on leafs either. I have no clue what kind of vehicle it was just thought it was kinda weird/cool looking.



It's a Volkswagon with independant suspension, from the looks a 60's era. The rear axel only had 1 cv joint on each side to begin with. Ralph Nader wrote the book on these and the Corvair with the same basic suspension. Unsafe at any speed was the title and in time stopped production of both. VW changed their design and sold millions in the "bug". In 1970 A friend and I was almost killed in one of the early bugs, Estimated # of rolls was 7 to 8! We were running 45 mph! Axel folded in a curve and we were both thrown out.
Looks like you were on I-85 s.
It's a Volkswagon with independant suspension, from the looks a 60's era. The rear axel only had 1 cv joint on each side to begin with. Ralph Nader wrote the book on these and the Corvair with the same basic suspension. Unsafe at any speed was the title and in time stopped production of both. VW changed their design and sold millions in the "bug". In 1970 A friend and I was almost killed in one of the early bugs, Estimated # of rolls was 7 to 8! We were running 45 mph! Axel folded in a curve and we were both thrown out.

This guy was passing me on I85 and I was doing 70. Brakes worked better than mine cuz I almost smacked into him. Love your stories man!
It seems you've posted in the wrong thread. I was hoping to not see any pics like this that's why I skipped the other thread.

teehee he deleted it quick - but I saw it lol
lol.. Yeah that wasn't meant for this thread. Not sure what happened there. I had this thread open in a tab and the other thread in another. I either posted wrong or my browser got confused.. :) I'm going with browser got confused!
there is a corvair truck floating around here that is restored.Strange lookin thing.Even has a side door to get in the bed.
That's called a Rampside! It drops like a tailgate but goes all the way to the pavement!