JD2 Bender


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2005
Indian Land

Picking up a JD2 bender and unfortunately I can only go for 1 die at a time.

I prefer the look of 1.5" but would hate to buy 1.5" die and then end up wanting the 1.75".

For now this would be for slider, and bumpers. Cage would come later, and by then I might have a 1.75 die also.

What do you guys think?
You will probably use more 1.5" for bumpers and sliders, especially if its the only die you have. You will want the 1.75" die if you do anything cage related or stuff like tire carriers. You might could find someone near you that has a JD2 bender and would share dies, and get the one they don't have.
You will probably use more 1.5" for bumpers and sliders, especially if its the only die you have. You will want the 1.75" die if you do anything cage related or stuff like tire carriers. You might could find someone near you that has a JD2 bender and would share dies, and get the one they don't have.

That's a great plan. There are a couple of us local guys with benders. We all seem to have a different brand with different dies. Never works right.

I have the 1.5 for the JD2. I have done a bunch of cages with it. I would prefer the 1.75 for some of it. It's really a crap shoot as to which one you'll use more.

I will say this. Make sure which ever you get is the 5.5 clr and 180 deg die.
You can use JD2 dies on Pro-tools benders, you just have to learn how to work with it. I did a 180deg bend in 1.75" .120 wall using a 180 JD2 die on my Pro-tools bender for 99NCXJ's skidplate. It's a little more difficult to tell where the bend starts, but once you use it a couple times, Im sure it wouldn't be too bad.